Tuesday, May 4, 2021

may 4 2021

 and stoop and pick them up with worn out tools." -- thanks Rudyard...

i needed that..
having eaten a whole bag of white chocolate kit kats, i feel better.
 with new parameters- we will see what we can do.

a couple of the things-- are things we are ready to go ahead with anyway... like cov restrictions..
rethinking--- lets get rid of that crazy acres is closed... notice on our web... the new rules of the cdc are...

.. with shots...... Participate in outdoor activities and recreation without a mask,
let me add without shots.. wear a mask....  10 distance which i will enforce .. comply or leave...- there is no reason not to do the 10 feet.

that should help us and the volunters who would like have an interesting place to go .
give the pups and dogs more people to talk to ,
and help with projects which can be done 10 feet away from anyone else..
-----like the stone walk way..... boy have we got stones..!! an exhausting jig saw puzzle...
-----like how about getting 4 whjeels on the van and get it registered and cleaned up--and padded for transporting groups of dogs.
----- and then there. is teh kissing booth. $1.....

i have been looking at that long enough-- i knew it would come in handy somewhere....

if we sit it in the fence line.. and have a ? stool? for the dogs to stand on and get a cookie... you have a prefect photo op...
we might need to dress up the kissing booth a bit... and put the pig there for the $1 donation....
and that pig needs some attention....and paint. it is a lovely merry go round pig... maybe fix teh ear with flexo?

so there is a lot to do...so all you old... and new volunteers.  

Sciena is back with us.. her recipient could no longer care for her... what a lovely dog... and a little confused 8 year old at the moment... 
i put her in teh  "loose inh teh laundry" area so she would have the 2 sofas....and teh walk around... i may ask sizzle how she feels about her... she is one beautiful dog... 

i stole this from aol...