Wednesday, May 12, 2021

may 12 2921

i always used a 60 cc syringe to baste any turkey i was cooking ( about once every 8 years)  -- i did expiriment with that-- and it does work as loing as teh goo is very fluid to fit thru the needle.... and i was thrillede to find teh huge stainless steel syringe/ impliment with which one gave fluids to one end of a horse or the other.... which i now use to distribute keroscene to start the fireplace..... sooooooooooo

i was exiting tractor supply and there at the impulse area was a smaller version of the horse enema thing.. and it was designed to infuse  roasts you are roasting.... i was so pleased to finally see how the world officially did this that i spent $14 and bought it....
totally forgetting i no longer cook anything.. having put the stove down on the street with a free sign long ago... so much for impulse buying;
speaking of things we have around ehrer....”pieces of rope too short to use is a real one.... it is not everyone who has a mamouth tripod which was engineered by one of janine’s volunteers to keep a sick donkey on it’s feet.. welol she is now keeping donkeys at 2 places fso beautiful that theer is no placed for a sick donkey tripod... so guess who has it????
I kept it for a long time because it was so well constructed then I knew it had to be for something critical so I put it in “the back”. and And it just became one of those things that crazy acres has which is of no specific purpose.. but all of a sudden Janine has a sick donkey again and if the donkey is not better today we will be digging that out to be used.. It's lucky we have that G tent we call it.. when I first put that up the camera people or at least some of the camera people made a great deal of fun of it asking why I needed a garage for giraffes and there was a lot gafaughing. Over that ridiculous structure.. well if you look at it now it is bulging with valuable items namely Bud.. who has organized the forklift as indispensable. at lifting up things like mowers so he could work on the Motors instead of crawling around on the ground.. so all those people who make fun of my thick donkey lifting tripod... how many people have a wonderful forklift to pick up heavy machinery to change belts and filters or put things back together again after mowing our rocks..
Buds ability to stand around and look at some piece of equipment that is not functioning and figure out how to make it function is astounding... and if there were more people like bud it would be terrable for companies like the ones who sell washing machines.. because the last two washing machines that were non functioning.. which corporate repair men had told me could not be fixed because they were now run on computers at a simple wrensen screwdriver just no longer worked causing me to go buy another washing machine.. but being a yankee teh concept of if we ever need a piece of it...... and is that around just long enough for Bud to come along with his funny little red electricity testing machine well I think I've seen at Home Depot for about $1.89.. the problem is you gotta know how to work it but any rate he found out that the switch in the washing machine was defective so for $13.50 he fixed not only that washing machine but the second one which had been deemed useless bye pretty much the same repair company so for $27.00. well no make that $28.89 add one piece of information which would be how to work that little dollar 89 machine. he he saved service dog project about $800.. which is why we now have not only the three commercial washing machines but two. of the of the personal sized.
bud has a bad effect on me.. because I know if I save things long enough bud will find out how to fix it.. so it behooves me to provide Bud with the best working conditions I can figure out.. Which is how the forklift is now being used for something the forklift designers had never intended.
Today's mind blowing. will include investigation of the sleeve concept of post hole digging.. The donkey cafe and the new puppy pen both have my concept of sleeves into which you put a pipe which holds things up my way of digging the hole for the sleeve has always been with a screwdriver and soup spoon which is far faster than any post hole digger than anybody else has invented so far for New England----- problem was with the puppy pen I wanted to go deeper then the soup spoon so we started bringing the shop vaccum. in the service so I can loosen up the bottom of the hole with a screwdriver or some other tall piece of metal and then vacuum out they loose stuff and let me tell you that is still an awful lot easier then the post hole digger which is fine in the sand but I've picked up too many singular pieces of 1 inch rock while the rest of the dirt stayed in the bottom of the hole

so much for my education