Monday, May 10, 2021

may 10 2021

  we have to go with ----things happen-- and not just us...   bergin university had the same such thing-- last week

I find it so strange to hear how your Etta died because just last week the controller at Bergin University was playing ball with her dog in the school play yard when her dog just dropped and died. It is such a tragedy and heartbreak. The dog was only 7 years old and healthy as far as anyone knew. 
My heart goes out to you for your loss and I am sending you Healing Energy for comfort and strength during this time. People can be cruel without meaning to, and I am sure you are inundated with well-meaning inappropriate advice.

  YEARS AGO....... i did have one of my  driving donkeys come running into the arena with. the rest and drop --- absolutely dead.  TERRIBLE BUT TOTALLY DEAD... WHICH IS not a problem... half dead can be devastating. ... as you try and do all you can to save teh animal.. janine is going thru that just now as one of the new donkeys from penna has pneumonia -- and she thought of using my oxygen generatopto provide o2... but the size was just all wrong..inogen's  tiny little nose clip would just not deliver...

i  have been involved with trying  to deliver O2 to a horse...  it was at the groton house event... hot day.. horse had just finished cross country and was stressed... the ambulance had a full tank of O2  - so we ggot a gallon water jug and cut off the bottom to slip it over th horse's nose, and shoved the hose in the other end.   it worked fine.

of late i did see a zoo vet do exactly that...   well maybe at some point one of you might need to know that water jug trick... who knows.

now there is a fact to learn that you will never need to know... a horse can only breathe thru his nose... there is no functioning path from mouth to lungs... like our feeding bags that we hang on their heads,  are designed to leave plenty of airway.. horses can faint  or worse...if they get blocked..

back to my driving donkey that dropped......... it was very difficult to come up with another donkey to fill that place  in front of the wagon....  but it was certainly a fortunate death.. it could have happened in the weston hotel ballroom with santa in the sliegh... EVER SINCE then,   I CARRIED a small tarp in the wagon...... just in case.
moving lightly on........there is a song....( you thought maybe not??)

be prepared---  that's  teh boyscout marching song ..
be prepared to hold your liquor pretty well
don't write naughty words on walls if you can' spell

i think that was tom leher--- a harvard math type...
running.  daughter here for coffee... her donkey is still alive.