Monday, March 4, 2019

mar 4 2019

  snow....pam is opening the gate for me-- how come i don't remember to do that when snow is predicted???? any rate --  looks like 5 to 6 inches-- whihc will be 2 feet at the end of the drive from plowing the street...  i am on my way out the door...
from casper's other being
This morning, as I poured my coffee in an open top mug (as
opposed to a travel tumbler I use at my desk to avoid spills on
company property) I called for Casper. He immediately came
over. I asked him to “come around” which means, come stand
at my left side facing (my) forward. He did, and waited for me
to grasp the mug and ask him to “walk on, easy”. He did this
while we both watched the coffee gently swish as we moved
slowly to the couch. This is a specific task that always calls
SDP and Carlene to mind for me. I remember her saying that
you should be able to walk together and carry a full cup
without spilling. I said okay, but I thought this was fully
unattainable and she was insane. Now, we do it all the time! I
still think Carlene is crazy, but for various other reasons ...
When I see the gray in his muzzle and think to a time when he
doesn’t want to work, or worse when he’s ready to cross the
Rainbow Bridge, I get choked up. (...and he just came to
check on me as I wiped a tear – Because I can’t even write it!)
I haven’t read my contact with SDP in forever, but I hope he’s
not requested back to the farm for retirement. Those of you
who aren’t handlers and read this may know the bond, but you
don’t fully KNOW, just trust me.

This is John C Michael and Ella when I was there in the house with Ella I forgot to take my charger for my phone. It has a extra adapter on the end for my phone just wanted to know if anyone can look and see if it still there in between the two sofas thank you see you on the the 5th have a great day. My wife makes all of Ella's sweaters sorry for all the pictures it is that I am so proud of her.