Tuesday, October 1, 2024

 10 01

Dd 10 01.

Hippo birdies 2 me. Lord knows there have been a lot of them.....and many thanks to those wheo’ve done the henny penny thing—that keeps us going...

Now...... in my long career as suburban housewife—who’s many chores included the  “lowering of the lawn” I have bought, borrowed, traded a tremendous number of machines.. just to name a few....craftsman the standard..—Dr mower ( which would cut off small trees),...troy,,..black and decker...farmall....ryobi,,,john deere.///honda,,,, husquavana and finally  Kubota.. –


I have driven them and loan them out and carry them around in a trailer sometimes and been responsible for cutting down the most amazing collection of vines and forest undergrowth--- by far my favorite was the Farmall who had a collection of right angled knives on a four foot long drum which hung underneath the middle  and driven slowly that thing would grind up just about anything and leave what sometimes resembled a green lawn..   The John Deere would have to get the award for the most long-suffering.. constantly abused one way or another it got back into motion and into work... 

 I loaned out this kind of equipment to anybody who really needed to borrow it constantly slowing down overgrown fields for Boy Scouts ball playing... That Dr. mower was the most strange of the bunch because I could replace the weed whipping with a blade and it would cut off small trees almost at ground level ----but that had its own danger because it left about a 2 inch stop which could almost go through a sneaker----  


Now why after 50 years of mower swapping sharing and loaning,,,,, I have to watch janine push a hand mower while the heavy duty  ride on kubota stands idle, is beyond me... could be the experience of dealing with the more sophisticated equipment has been dropped also..  because someone I have no idea who.. fill the two diesel  cans with gasoline some of which may or may not have been dumped into the diesel engines on the Kubota... again


There is a very nice man who is currently moving the manure pile to where it might eventually produce grass. I don't know who he is what are you doing you're fine job and I can tell you why I know that.... I don't hear the tractor complaining with a roaring engine or things like that he gets a full bucket in his loader but it's not overflow because he doesn't spill it all the way up the driveway to where he's dumping it.. and I think he was the one that discovered the gasoline in the yellow cans.. before he done any damage..  


There is an awful lot of miscellaneous knowledge that goes with owning a lot of the equipment we now have--and I am quick to say it's bud that keeps us going straight.. but without bud I don't think I would even bother owning most of the stuff I now have... I would rent it and let somebody else deal with the problems...  most noticeably the last tune up I had for the bigger tractor was $3200.

bud has for years done all the minor tune ups but every once in a while you have to go for the major. OK ohh off