Thursday, October 10, 2024

 Dd 10 10,

I always check the heavy penny first thing when I get up yeah just to see whether we're alive or dead happy happy to report we are alive..


I am sure that mines greater than mine have addressed the problem of the knife fork and spoon as related to food the only thing I could think of that's worse would be chopsticks trying to pick up rice with chopsticks has to be a talent saved for the very ambitious.. but now in our area bowls are becoming very popular no bowls with basically rice at the bottom and then a bunch of stuff on top and every bowl is different really that really is a good way to mix up food it's like I don't know where the tradition came from but Mexicans certainly did a lot of it and Indians 


heyy our big drop of the day is Pilgrim house who seems to like us to come at 2:00 in the afternoon ohh they are mostly nursing home as opposed to drop off daycare Speaking of that last time we were over in Peabody for the woman very nice woman very astute woman who had a conversation with you about the dogs and I realized that she maybe didn't belong where she was yeah in the conversation with her she said she was new to the area and her son had to go to work didn't know what to do with her so she's landed there I hope somebody puts her in another group there's not a group right in that building.. umm I do notice that one of the presidential candidates... .

has mentioned mentioned mentioned the concept of Medicare providing day care coverage which is what we're trying to do here anyway...   at one point we thought having babies was a huge problem... now having elderly parents is easily as big a problem. especially with me being one of them.. OK


my husband having been in all the nursing homes in the area wanted no part of being put in a nursing home. OK showed in keeping with his wishes I latched on to bud who would come here first thing in the morning and pick up Tom and Tom's car which was a lovely thing and they'd go driving around for 8 hours or so and then he'd bring him back and Tom would tell bud every ailment anybody had it when they drove by it..  That was a great help and Tom enjoyed it but enjoyed it yeah stereo music in the car and life was great..


  I had worried and hesitated from calling Hospice because I was afraid they would want to take him to their Hospice place turns out that was not true once you touch base with Hospice they bring you a cardboard box of all the things necessary to keep them comfortable and they really replaced it as needed if the truth be known I think we still have a bit of morphium in the closet upstairs. I forget those are not no longer my stairs so I'll leave it to Elizabeth to go scratching through the upstairs closets,, there is one funny closet that goes way out under the eaves that maybe she doesn't even know yet let us pray. ...

have at it-- we should be home in time for mailcall !!