Thursday, October 3, 2024

dd 10 03,,

Dd 10 3 

super birthday. Thanks to all !! we will get to packages tonight---  I did enter the quwick pcks just now.. and we certainely are. 100%. With extra money for the fun fund along with hay bales...shatting in a day or so... i need to “do” the boardd..d...

 we are in good shape for the next month or two...  enough for me to put forth a crazy idea,,


penny—the puppy  is a super active dane.. and I am thinking maybe we can entertain with her actions... like getting ready for agility \ jumping jumps...  – I had some bits of pipe around here and have purt it together into a “jump” about 2’; wide and 12 “high.... it is of 1 ½ inc pvc pipe.. schedule 40  .. Which is readily available at Home Depot and places like that If any of you want to put together a jump with the pieces readily available either at Home Depot or at some PVC furniture fittings type place that would be a great idea.. Especially if you put it together with only the two foot wide size bar,, to save shipping of anything for five feet wide because I can easily change the wide bar..  I had to order two five way pieces because they would be the foot the hold up the jump... Because I didn't get those yet I used two. four way and added a 90°,,  When you're putting this together remember you have the inside and outside diameters to think about sometimes referred to male and female which shouldn't take too long for you to figure out.. I would think penny could easily jump A 2 foot bar in a nursing home that would be an interesting thing to do ...   


 I like to keep in mind not all of these daycare people are Alzheimer patients --- we have several who are quite astute.. So we should keep some of our activities geared—to those to--- Remember the reason I remove their collars and leashes when they are in these places is because sometimes there are clients who grab things and hold on which would not be a good thing..  There is so much in the lives of these people which is routine..  that I like to have our arrival present something new and different as much as I can..  and these places are all heated and air conditioned and they make perfect training rooms .


My fly is back on the screen this morning chasing my cursor--  I'm not sure I should have started this because when he's not chasing the cursor he's trying to fly into my ear or nose as punishment .


Many thanks for the  sold out--  and all the encouraging comments so many saying keep on keeping on.  well I enjoy doing what we're doing..  it's no skin off my nose..  the dogs like it--and heaven knows the activities directors in these blazes are nearly in tears.. to have some more strange things to fill up there their calendars which they must produce every month..  so with your help we can do that..   and we haven't yet going into a place with judy's turtle ...  And I am told that Carly now has a third house chicken---  a small white Bantam which she carries on her head....  that's OK I like that.. and curly's mother is in charge of keeping track of curly's apartment because this house chicken business could get out of hand...