Saturday, October 5, 2024


 DAY LATE.... 10 5


An actual first hand report from North Carolina Gwen is sitting slightly above the town of Asheville on a hill thankfully and she said the place is totally wiped out um the entire town building facilities et cetera but the the thing that impressed me when I said to her you know get yourself some water bottles so etcetera um she said FEMA is there she said they were there at the start with great flourish they're dropping pallets of water food you name it she said FEMA is here and working and I was glad to hear that because so often they get knocked for not not being on the ball but she said there's helicopters all the time flying overhead dropping things and she said the real problems are the older women of older women older people who are on some medication that they need to get it from the local drug store and that drugstore is no longer there so that it's a reminder if you're on any medication to keep a couple months supply I did that at one point with my DylanTIN  and then I ate it all so in the process so I think I should go back to having a better supply on hand other than that she's fine and she said there's a there are two cabins up the hill from them which are owned by the same person a wealthier man who lives in California who had installed some kind of satellite deal and he had he had communication he had Internet communication so she went up to his house and was able to continue working which is a very good thing other than that...  Glenn says she has plenty of food for the dogs which I think number 5 ohh corgis.. and the bathtub full of water... They do live quite near a stream to get the dogs watered,, There is some cowboy expression about getting a drink upstream from the herd..


I feel terrible when I don't get the daily doggie out I'm not sure why yesterday I think I have it written back here in this pile of stuff um but there are several several things I have to write and let's face it I do get mixed up.

Old age is some kind of test... somebody keeps pulling strings for the damnedest things to happen to see how much you can keep track of all at once..  That package I just got in the mail am I to rub it on my ankle or to take 2 teaspoons every three weeks... With food... Or is it the dog's flea powder. Gotta wonder....

I went for my INR.. test.. one drop of blood into a machine which is supposed to say I am between 2:00 and 3:00..  however this time it was 1.7 and the technician doing the job check back and found that I had skipped one breakfast bunch of nine pills.. As opposed to my evening bills which are 14 in number

All that because of a blood clot .. By now may be gone..


I have not bothered to take the hospital wristband of my arm because the emergency room seems to be everybody's answer 2 not wanting the responsibility of recommending anything else definite. fortunately larkey goes with me so there's no way you can forget me in the waiting room.. The emergency room does have some triage operation.. it used to be it was at least an RN with identification hanging around her neck but of late I'm not sure what the triage person has for qualifications other than the fact they're there. There is no name with titles MD... RN or whatever on that identification hanging around her neck


We both laughed as,,,,I gave her a monkey fist with the label,, here's one more marble in case you think you've lost them all