april 25 2023
Carrying judy on the back bumper is not an option... as some of you suggested. i bought a 2 bike carryier for $34--- a bunch of metal and straps which should hold up the pram--- the empty pram just can't weigh more than 2 bikes????? fedex has it -- to be delivered between 12 and 4:30 today... and used tomorrow....
we need to get that pram rolling before pasta gets too big... he is nearly that now... but we can struggle... he loves to ride.... and it does make even the most severe looking face grin....... if pasta gets much heavier-- which is happenig by the minute.... i may have to resort to a chicken--- meridith has chickens----i bet with proper photograph intro i could talk them into " rent a hen" til we get some of our own... elizabeth is on that case...
problem being if she orders baby chicks-- which i have so often done for commercials--- it is the 90 degrees for the first few week that is the problem.. heat lamp helps... but to start......
which reminds me--- there does exist a photo of my husband in his shorts- shaving in our bathroom with 100 baby chickens around his ankles........i had no other solution for 'warm enough'.. and it was not the kind of job here failure to produce the tiny chicks was an option... we may come to. a bit of that again ... if eliz orders too soon--- they might have to spend a week in my bathtub... totally possible--- God bless chlorox.
the rest of that story with the 100 chickens sometimes it was for a "display" where we let kids hold a chick with the parent right there. i told you my main source of help was janine's bu friends at $100 a day they would do anything... except..... chicken watching was the least favorite of the chores.... the SPCA got wind of my chicken display and appeared one day when we got home from boston... --- they wanted to see the order form for 100 chicks and wanted to count them ... so i left them in a stall counting little yellow fluffy runabouts--- it was probably another bu student with a job with the spca. but she finally came to me and said very pathetically "i keep getting 102"... ( the hatchery usually sends a few more than 100 because they don't all make it--- thankfully ours did)