Sunday, November 13, 2022

nov 13 2022

I remember going with you to nursing homes with the donkeys and dogs and I am so grateful to you for bringing me.
Also we went to the Home for the Deaf and Blind … baby chicks were the favorite of the blind children because they could hold the chicks in their hands.  You also brought a pig …
Thanks for the memories of KINDNESS.-----Honey

Oh how I wish I could find the picture I have of Honey---  standing on the set of some commercial behind Jerry Van Dyke  and a cow.....with a bucket..   I remember that day or at least a good part of it  -the shot called for a clean cow--- black and white... so I went to see  Maria who was the herd manager at Richardson's dairy farm.. I had previously cleared it with Paul who owned the place and said go talk to Maria.. Maria had one pet  cow in this herd of 50 to 100 black and white cows that she managed and milked twice a day.. So we picked up the cow in my big trailer..  it was a big cow so I could tie it to the wall of the trailer in the vicinity of the back wheels and hopefully not lift the pickup off the ground..  but typical cow even though we'd  started shampooed..   it backed up against the wall and managed to  Dirty its rear end again.... so  we took it off the trailer and tied it to the side of the trailer ----we were parked next to the studio were there were some---- shall I say expensive cars ====they certainly weren't a farm truck sort of thing---- we improvised another rear end shampooing... we got that done and we're putting the utensils away I I  There wasn't a lot of room between vehicles--- there was  about the width of 1 car which is also about the length of 1  big cow...  That  cow had just one little bit more of “used hay”.  She backed up and it hit  driver's window of a very expensive vehicle..  The used hay ....... being slightly liquid---- it just didn't stay on the window it kind of dripped down into the electrical working of the window.... so Honey  and I  Made fast work with a that whole roll of paper towel and cleaned it up as best we could ---- went on with the job in the studio...  we.  then drove out of the parking lot very quickly.. and prayed that The owner of that car would be a long way away before he figured out from whence cometh the odd smell.....


Honey was a fun “partner/ side kick” . for animal episodes ---because in her other life she Wore very fancy clothing and had long red fingernails..  but she would get out and get under in many impossible situations...  we had a good time –

and apparently on our way home from these jobs  we stopped in the home for the deaf  with whatever animal we had been photographing.... hence the pig...

and I can’t remember the pig job...... Honey. Can you remember it for me????


To be continued..... 

ever shampooed a goose?