Tuesday, November 8, 2022

 nov 8 2022

see it say it-- hear it call it--- kind of thing..

yesterday meghan -- moriah and i  followed a trash truck up rt 95  spilling trash out the back we could not figure out how to call the state police.. so i called 911 and let them know.. mile markers 73 to 76 northbound..  there is alot of money in trash.. darn it put a better canvas on the top. couldn't read the license... but got the name off the beautiful truck part..
and then gunshots. about 4am.. two close together and one again at 6:30.. not unusual... heard it before-- actually we have a recording of it...i don't call the police because what can they do-- by the time they get here nothing is happening..  except i have decided to at least get it on the record...-- so i called.. 

voting... darn right... this will be an interesting day/ night/ week/ decade??? i started paying more attention there too.... since  "thousands of people bussed to new hampshire"   --i dunno how many  people fit in a bus.... maybe 50? so how many busses?  60? 80? somebody would have noticed.... what i do know is you could not get one bus that did not have a person on it who would not call cnn and say "wanna buy a story?"   ( 3 negatives... did that come out right?)

990.  that is an irs number -- and every charity has to publicly post theirs yearly.  we just got the 990 for 2021 looking for me to sign .. darn thing is an inch thick...
so i have my chore ahead of me....  there are 2 other serv dog places in new england. ECAD. (was east coast assistndce dogs) and NEADS  and to read thier 990 is very interesting....  which i also have to do...

so short doggie today