nov 27 2022
there is nothing exciting going on with the dogs at the moment..... thankfully.... no excitement or emergencies-- i did hear a rumor that janine and crew were going to " straighten out the arena so they can get more action in front of the arena camera with. a horse that wallace is trying to make stop bucking.... so it sounds interesting... all that will take place around the feeding schedule of the dogs on camera. should work..i am happy to see more use of that arena.
making hay while the sun shines.... because rain and hay don't mix. yesterday judy and i managed to get 80 bales to meridith-- where WHO ELSE UNLOADED IT... but elizabeth's husband. !!.. i only drive-- and be sure the battery is charged so the dump trailer dumps....80 bales... probably a weeks worth... ERN DOES HAVE quite a following who help pay for the hay-- at any rate... i don't..... i just drive. actually i just back up the trailer when needed... judy does a lot of the forward type driving.. especially when it interferes with my napping time.
eve-- of eve and finn---
The holiday weekend is coming so we had to be sure to wish another very big good luck to Ms. Eve Dahl (Chronicles of Eve and Finn) and her partner, from Fred Astaire Dance Studios - Brookfield, Mr. Ernie Olivas Fads Pro, as they have taken off on their adventure to Malta to represent our region at the Malta Wheelchair DanceSport Open Dance Spectacular, November 26th & 27th! Such a little star and we couldn't be more proud! 

and apparently she has won several awards(i lost the details--- which my computer swallowed...) Finn had a few days off and stayed with friends..... flying to Malta.. was a bit much with 2 wheelchairs(normal and one for dance i think)