Friday, November 18, 2022

 Armpits-----   An unlikely topic for discussion .. and I have avoided it for about a week now...  the rest of the story is... in the process of making the rounds of senior assisted living places and the like... last week in an Alzheimer group. larkey was fascinated with someone's armpits... I mean it was catnip type fascination and I had to pull him away which was easy enough..  and I remembered at that point this is not the first time he's done that.. I remember a few weeks ago in a fairly normal group I think it was in Home Depot he was fascinated by some woman's armpits and I didn't think too much of it pulled him away at that point.. so when he did it the second time I recognized that this was something I had to watch for and certainly did not understand... but I was not in a position at that point of asking these people what the hell they had in their armpits like deodorant???  two days ago I was in a senior drop in center which shall remain nameless..  and he again was fascinated with the director's armpits... well here was the situation where she was an intelligent humorous sort.. so I went so far as to say "excuse me for asking but what type deodorant do you use"   there's not a lot of people you could say that to but.. I briefly explained.. and she was game and said “secrets”


so I went to the drugstore and found that secrets have 147 different scents. so I have reached a bit of a dead end and that may not be the reason at all but I am pretty good at reading my dogs and lockie was clearly telling me armpits had some strange smell to him... and it was only armpits no other parts (which are sometimes fascinating.). . so the only thing I could think of was something that got added to armpits as in deodorant... 


we do not begin to understand the depth of perception dogs have with smells... so I totally respect what he's trying to tell me.. and I have to be very careful about pulling him away from somebody's armpits for fear he decides that he shouldn't do that again... that is a very delicate procedure... because I stand guilty of becoming the weird lady with the dog who asks strange questions about your armpits. however there is an unanswered question  there.


 I must remind you of the little girl at the prudential towers Christmas celebration that Tiffany shall we say alerted to one year

and the same girl  caused the same reaction a year later with no alerting on the 100,000 people that had patted her in the interim.


I am also reminded----  before I got going on service dogs, there was a brief. Where the army was offering $90,000 for a bomb sniffing Beagle.. actually I'm not sure it was the army but certainly someone connected to airports

 I seriously considered that.....but  to teach scent discrimination... I couldn't figure out living here at crazy acres how you could eliminate or cause to be accentuated anyone particular smell to get the learning to learn portion of their training over with.


Annisett liquor fell into my mind at this point because I think that is the smell that they use on the rag that they drag around the countryside to lay the path for all the people riding horses..  it's called a drag hunt and I think it's annisett


the next thing that fell in my mind ----being rather open this morning.. I remember annisett being the preferred liquor for several of the Santa clauses that rode the wagon with me in parades and into hotel ballrooms..with my 8 tiny reindeer


that's all I know today

 I have to get ready for the craft show from 9:00 to 2:00 tomorrow I've never done anything like this before .. I plan on larkey and I ---------I think that's supposed to be larky and me... ( where is Ann Peterson when you need her. she's the only one I know who knows the difference.  i or me.   because she speaks 7 languages one of them being English so there)