Thursday, November 24, 2022

 nov 24 2022

NOTICING ------i went  to the store yesterday ( so what's the big deal?)and as i sat rolling up and down the windows for the dogs.... elizabeth's husband came out of the store and as we passed pleasantries---- he asked if  i would. like him. to go back in the store to get the few things on my list and save me what has become a noticeable effort. at least at the moment....
. where the heck did elizabeth get this guy.. ???  
there are a few...  when i was at the craft show, i dropped a marble in the process of making monkeyfists... the "crafter" person across the aisle noticed and ran over to retrieve it for me.. i was impressed and threw her the next 2 monkey fists as thank you..

i should take the walker - not specifically for walking, but it is the standing around that gets me- it is a portable chair... and i may use it today..maybe.

plan is to meet janine at the start of the "thanksgiving hunt"  where she has at least 3 people to help get off the start... then in my warm car move to ann's where the whole bunch is expected to go thru the winthrops at 10:30-- ann invited me to park on her field and not  her lawn... the difference between the 2 is about 1/2 inch of grass... .  warm is warm. it is a spectacle... and i think  it may be the first time a mule i
s in the group !!!  that will be a big deal...  
then go pick up the  whole meal ( they load the car) about noon and be home by 1 to get the 
"home fires " burning....  without wood somehow.  because matt has not realized i am going thru a bucket of wood  a day...  maybe i will have to break up some of this old furnature...  i do not do   "cold". 
 we are not having a "thanksgiving dinner" as such... it is more "feed the troops" of people who will be caring for all the animals both here and at meridith.i somehow will keep it all warm on the iron stove.... as soon as i get more wood....   and there are piles of it in the g-tent.

have a happy !!
this was a couple years ago... it does draw a crowd