Wednesday, November 23, 2022

 NOV 23 2022

Nov 23 2022


My biggest excitement is  a check....that Janine ( and elizabeth) sold some horses to some wonderful homes --- the mom... now a riding horse and  the 2 babies togetehr to an experienced horse woman in ?virginia?   .... all cleaned up and beautiful  rescued ... just in time to pay the hay bill for the next ones she just bought in penna over the weekend...she is a facebooker so often the details are there --- I have only a phone call to go on so far..


The big horse thing is tomorrow.s thanksgiving day hunt at myopia......   realllllly fancy—hounds--- braided manes and tails..  for years the HUNT has far outshadowed our  family dinner routine...


  Interesting is the progression  over the past 45 years.. I think. It went like this......

At age 9  janine dreamed of riding with the hounds at myopia and at  winthrops

At age 10. She rodea pony “ tinkler “  in the hilltop group ( non  fence jumping group) with a too big jacket covering her hands...

Then a few years.... “That Horse” jumped things very reliably  and she moved up—earning $20 to braid other horses for the big day..

She worked in the  myopia kennels to earn some credits

Eventually getting her “colors”  a yellow collar which corresponds to the red coat of the major men.. who ride $50,000 horses bought from ireland ( another $15,000 airfare I am told)

Rode respectifully for a few years on a horse she bought as a 6 month old baby --- she  looked very respectable 

And selling a horse or two... which. “ had been hunted in a snaffle by a lady”

And introducing a mule or two  which betsy is riding..... in with these $50,000 beautiful irish hunters

All the way to...... This year ---where  I. don’t think she has a respectable horse to ride  tomorrow..

If she climbs on a horse that she just bought  by the pound over the weekend--- I can not  go watch.

She would not do that

Would she?


I bought. The complete TD dinner ( for teh 10th year....). will pick It up at noon... keep it warm ont eh iron stove and see who shows up to eat.

What the world forgets is... with animals there is no holiday-  there will be a crew here and at meridith taking care of all. those the least I can do ... literally ... is feed the people

just to get back to. reality... i must investigate the rumor that brian (DVM).  has the crew at meridith  giving horses pills IN THE OTEHR END...... IT IS EASIER????