Tuesday, November 22, 2022

 nov 22 2022

coffee...perked!  still lovin it- handy hint from my  momma-- i remember her saying her friends always -- beyond being polite---commented on her good coffee and her solution was to wash the pot !--  i  know of one dunkin donuts which has very bitter coffee- and i am sure they don't wash the pot... not quick rinse... soap and hot water...
so i religiously do that every morning..... after lighting the stove fire.....i am a picture... luckily the. camera is pointed the other way... or a thousand people would be watching me  in my jammies....sitting on a milk can, poking the fire and waiting for the perking to stop.   very poetic...
born today, my mother would have been a chemist- however it was the woman thing.. she studied ?social services? at vassar- and applied her chemistry to being sure to add a pinch of sugar to bread making to make the yeast "work?"  
i don't know what she was baking  but before  she put it in the oven she would stand in front of it and say " flour sugar soda salt eggs milk and butter". which meant she was also a student  of how errors are made.
there was another.. "

Little Johnny passed away little Johnny is no more for what he thought was H2O was H2SO4” 

I think farming or more specifically the raising of animals requires someone to be extremely observant of minor details... it becomes a study in how errors are made because errors in farming are permanent you don't just change the code and go on -----better try things on a minor scale Like plant something in a 3 foot by three foot garden before you plant the back 40 acres..

Try a sample... It allows more creativity...  Like if you feed a cow enough red dye will you get strawberry milk -  the answer to that one is “possibly no”  because we may not have had enough red dye. that is back to the logic problem of trying to prove a negative....  Results of a pregnancy test are always either yes,   or probably not.(i won't even go to the report i heard of age and "people AI " for lack of interpersonal relationships due to the internet)  Or to bring it up to current I think the COVID tests are about the same. Which are “yes, or not at the moment try again in four days...”


With regard to COVID I do have concern over why China is taking COVID so much more seriously than the United states.... they have locked down entire towns for months on end..  and we have “masking optional”--  is there something we don't know-- Or are they actually trying to increase their population?


kicking that can on down the road.... I can not  remember a lot of things... not new...but probably worse... I have dealt with the irs before- and have always found them reasonable.  The last time I had some miserable  fine for something I thought not  correct,instead of hiring a lawyer,  I went to the irs office... only about 10 miles away in andover and it was not.... frightening.... or unreasonable .. we did make a deal..... literally.." will you settle for $320 fee for not allowing the "commuting between offices".--------  i had set up a dr  office in what is now the condo.. so technically  my husband was driving between offices( which was deductible and technically true).. and not commuting to the office...( not deductable) . i settled. 


 now I think I will have to be---- exactly what I. am ... the  confused little  85 year old lady   just trying to get it straight..  and maybe pull in “cov made me do it” ------ just when did I. file my last 1040?  and “may I have a copy of it so I can copy it for the next 2 years ---why should  have to hire an accountant the numbers are all about the same.—I will pay. The irs additional $$$ if I don’t have to hire that guy for $2000” .... I have tried local offices and the internet and I have had no help... ( true) it’s your fault...   lets make a deal !

maybe they can at least provide me with another topic for this   dd..

  • i can' t  read all this.