Wednesday, November 2, 2022

 nov 2 2022

as only the  internet can.....,
I am trying not to have a knee jerk reaction to an e-mail I got but it's very difficult. Apparently during mail call when Janine described a male nurse who Gave her her flu shot---he  had something wrong with his feet..... I chimed in and said “you mean if he was a horse you wouldn't buy him”----- I say that all the time----last time I can remember saying it was about Sarah who had something wrong with her boot which was making her walk slightly differently and I mentioned it to her that something was wrong with the way she was walking...  and clearly said if she was a horse I wouldn't buy her because she wasn't sound.


this has caused a great uproar And now someone at explorer has said I must be replaced at mail call -  that was my entire contribution to the conversation. 


my only other comment here is... I admit , I still expect nurses to be female and doctors to be male..i know I am wrong in that regard.. my personal GP is a very bright woman...


there are those  who wanted to try and control whatever gets said on the Internet.. and that's totally impossible... however shutting down mail call will certainly mean that there will be no  errors of conversation regarding the sale of horses.  


I had intended today to discuss some of my various experiences with rats..  mostly in the movie business but I will do that at some other day