Friday, November 25, 2022

 nov 25 2022

the more we change, the more we remain the same....
40 years ago i was running around with a bunch of kids and their ponies wondering  who would fall off and which pony would get loose.... yesterday i just meant to watch the hunt get off...  starting at what is supposed to be the state's  oldest --- from 1638 ---continuously operating farms in mass... having the hunt start there is just another interesting facet---  not just fancy perimeter but utilitarian  stone walls being 4' tall stone walls around ? 1 acre pens? now that might keep animals enclosed !!

2 of janine's "rescues " were in the bunch of about 60  horses... ( one being a mule !!)----- turns out..... way back in teh 1920's? myopia passed some law so a mule was allowed to be in the hunt..this would be mule #2...janine's neck was on the line.   .so  with betsy ( remember her.... jewelery and scarlott's owner) onboard.... xxxxx was right in there with the best ( most expensive) thoroughbred horses...both  of the "rescues" performed well up to the high standards of this "hunt" ... i.e.  they jumped the walls and fences without loosing a rider...  for 15.7 miles..

the rest of that story is... being a "drag " hunt. where the hounds are following the sent of a rag that was soaked in someting and dragged over the prescribed course  earlier that day... we knew where they would be going and pulling up to rest....  i drove from point to point.. and janine.. being worried.. ran/jogged about half the time behind the horses !!  i wore my generic "i have fallen and i can't get up" button which. is a 911 from anywhere... we did not use the hunt pulled up at the end..janine's relief was obvious... having  rescues  to  successfully complete this day  erased anyone's inclination to cast negative comments  at  the horses / mules who for one reason or another were sold by the pound. -- after "vetting" the vet  said mommy "rosie"---  mother of foal "bud" --- was the best horse he had seen in a while.  
that --- with the successful mule--- was a huge relief to janine-- who had stuck her neck waaaaaay out with this hunt.

 i picked up the dinner and was home at 2:02... to no one there to even unload the dinner boxes. janine got there within minutes .. we unloaded and were starving( having had no breakfast) she left to nap it off and elizabeth and family arrived-- having ordered a family dinner  and the store ran out before they "got the bird"   so they were thrilled with the paper plate banquet.  while  l watched from the sofa- they ate, packed extras,put everything away spotless like..and took off to go back to meridith to dish out meds which had got skipped in. the morning rush.
  they are "do-ers".
 he can .. and does.. load a dishwasher as well as anyone.