we are going to have to improve our success rate... lady mouses hae been called breeding machines with a gestation period of 20 days and only a day or two between.,, roundintg --- that is a litter a month with 5 to 12 per litter, with the teenage lady mouses able to breed before a year old-- i can believe teh austrralian 350 mice per acre is a tipping pointg. we need to step up outr de-mousinfb technique.....i questioned the peanut butter bait.. i had suggested velveeta but got voted down.. now we will have to test... and report.
i explained at last night's mail call.... every time i handle an animale i learn somethign. stitch... in the hands of janine and olaf as become a loved, but spoiled
brat... it was suggested he learn some manners... and he was left to me with the world thinking manners is discipline and then marching dogs in circles demanding performance.... and i dd not know whefre i wanted to start... i ha e always said look at your dog and decide what is necessary ( or something like that ) i got him out of puppy hill with a rope... and decided to have him learn to ride on my golf cart.. i could not get him within 3 feet of it..and he wouold not even eat a cookie.. drag/ did not work... so i relaxed teh rope-- he is stgronger thqn i am anyway... so we talked it over and he finally allowed me to put one foot on the floor with huge praise--- then the key... i took his foot off teh cart and put it on th ground... and let him think about it.. i think he thought any change was permanent and was confused when i put his foot back where he had it...
in a few minutes i took the foot and easily put it up-- no resistance.. i put it back down.. he looked bewildered... up with one foot and he was shocked gto have me put up a second foot. and he stood.. great praise... ask him to step down great praise... and we had a conversation going... like the water moment in the heller keller movie.... i asked and he got up on the deat..i quickly asked for over thback of the seat and onto the fluffy in the ?back seat? with a quick down/
he did// great praise
so to instill :"nothing is permanent" we went for a short ride.. fast with a nice breeze.. and i asked him to get down and quickly turned him loose. he was totally shocked... took a minute for him to walk away.. after a few minutes i went and got him on teh rope again andwent toht cart... he stopped and thought... then hopped up and ovr the seat and lay down with a "i got it" look .. we drfove around and l let him loose by teh guest house. then iu go t himm on leash and asked him to jog 3 times around the pond.. i stopped and said "wanna ride?" and patted the seat.. he hopped up over and down onto the back seet without a rope i drove him tothe parking pit gate tothe "A" field and turned him loose.. he was a happy camper !!
i hope he learned that learning and discipline are not all bad.. to "command" him to something new or fun i hope opened a new world for him... did not taake more than about 1/2 hour. learning/training is not marching in circles..
just like physics is not book learning, but splashing in puddles...