Wednesday, July 15, 2020

july 15 2020
any change will precipitate 3 responses ...
 the casual, just move on.... absolute panic..... or anticipation  of new ideas.......   
 in the changing world of  SDP  we have some organizational changes to sharewithyou 
   meganand devin have  told us tehy will be pursuing other career opportunities.
thank you both for years of excellent training of teh dogs and recipients. we wish you all teh best, and  hope you stay in touch,  
the entire sdp community is looking forward to seeing megan on teh nursery camera  starting   friday  7/17  as she assists may with the birthing.. she has predicted 8 to 10 pups.
my next goal is to be  working toward  unloading anything resembling ...  paperwork.... which i have always detested ..  by september...   I will continue to focus only on the Doggie Daily and Mail Call, while still enjoying arguing about how many angels fit on the head of a pin. 

because.....   Lynn George is  being welcomed back to SDP ....   In 2003 Lynn was instrumental in the creation of Service Dog Project.  She will be full time in September as Director of Operations.  I’m sure everyone will enjoy the new and different things Lynn has to offer including Watson, Gabby and her little brown dog Colton who will surely stick out in the crowd.
then there is,, teh  daoly  dooggie and my defective left pinky finger--- linda is investigating  hiow u  might be able to dictate this instead of typing.  which means you will have to guess teh assciated sounds that SIRI can creqate interesting mis-spoken words,    asbad as this is , you don't realize how many typos i correct as being totally illedgeable.  
on we go.... apple. alice, abby or whqatever her name now is  is doing beautifully iwth mary in arlington.  we experimented with having her bond with the new owneer in her oun  house , not our guest house...   we---- paula and i .. had a few  changes tomake , but all told it is continuing tobe  a huge success,

 today we are going to try gettiong reigel to bond with hirw new owner in salem..  we are all packed up with supplies   from bag of dog food, to harness and vest.
teh coop cometh along... it is held togethr with one nail... wqiting for denis to come in today and bang some more nails in. also everything is paralell now  which means  life will be better whe i get at least one sheet of plywood to make the stableizing triangle .
john ford  sent some good directions about  that wavey roofing  installation...  i  invited him alongto help but  unfotrtunatgely he lives 12 .5 hours away in  gaithersburn md????

CP   peggy from maine was here  for a visit.. i was shocked to heqar she had never heard of dr pol.. DVM--- if you are not watching our cameras,  i think it is  on nat'l geo...   beats alot of what else is available,