somebody sent me a "how to organize house and shop" maagazine.... and i ignored it for about a week.... i personlly have purchased every desk orgaanizer known to mankind...-- most are piled in teh overflow room... which is the basis for our problem around here. or at least on e of them....
i own 2 xxx ... can't find any... it is cheaper to go buy another than to pay help to try and find xxx.. so i buy another -- very shortly, i have 3 xxx that i can not find... because they are covered with yyy....
having cleaned my desk so the accountant did not offer to shoot us, i had nothing to do while i waited ... so i started flipping thru the how to organize.. i do have the ability to organize, it is taking it to fruition where i fall apart.
i have thought of lot of strange solutions....., but not all-- and i have 12 cut out pictures to give to ryan---
one fyi i did not know existed... gamma seal bucket lids...-- for the typical 12" wide, usually 5 gallon plastic pails..... apparently you bang a gasketed rim onto the bucket, and then the tops simply twist open/closed .
i am so excited... i have ordered 12... the usual tops are miserable to get open and shut.... if thises work... and by all 5 star reports, they seem to.... our icy walkways may have found a solution... i will try/ demo this at mail call when they arrive...
there was another..... those plastic "things" you get when you buy 100 cd's or disks...... i could use one or two for the monkey fist twine---
and i found directions in the magazine to show ryan - how to store a long electric cord with a daisy chain "crochet stitch" - i have done that for years and it works perfectly if you understand it--- if you do not understand and start at the wrong end, it can take hours to "untangle" looks wierd but i saw a contractor do it years ago-- he told me he coudl throw it in the back of his truck and it never tangled... and that is true- but you have to stop for 2 seconds and "start" correctly. it is very similar tothe sewing stitch that is used to close grain bags--- which correctly tugged releases perfectly--otherwise much cursing...
a 4" piece of pvc pipe with a 1/2 inch holes up and down makes a great bingee cord storage-- ( i love thngs like that one)
all is quiet with the 3 litters in here overnight.. but carlson said they got no sleep..welllllll... it is so peaceful now it is hard to believe the little darlings could do anything besides sleep ( HA !)
we are assuming teh outdoor bunch (opal's) are fine-- because if they were not, i am sure she would hear them and let us know.... they are in the nutt house... the used car lot side.. which - for newcommers-- has used car streamers overhead to fend off hawks when the pups are so small. there are a nesting set of eagles i am told about 5 air miles from teh farm... which can carry off a small volkswagon. so we are aware....
we did pick up marks considerable colledtion of rolliing conveyers--- and can hardly wait to roll devlin teh legnth of the parking lot.. the next food shipment is due about 11/10
accreditation... now official.... sheila ( obrien) said she would send back all megans training records-- of which we already have a copy .... i still wonder if anyone at adi has come round to thinking more positevly about great danes... when i went to the ADI conference-- must have been 10 yers ago- with bailey- the president of adi told me "all you great dane people are nuts"
well--- thanks--- dog people in general are nuts, but i wonder if he has noticed what a terriffic job these danes are all doing. I had bailey with me at the time... she must have been 1-2 years old, and perfectly behaved...of course.
Way back when i started, i drove to an ADI training session in virginia with "brownie" perfectly trained merle...tall...., and they barely let me in the door.... so it has been an uphill battle---i hope someone in ADI recognises what terriffic dogs these can be...
One of the adi hangups isto do a puppy testing program where they try and determine if a puppy will retrieve a toy-- and danes don't-- so they are labeled stupid- and if you turn a dane pup upside down and pinch his toes-- you will get a reaction sure... you also won't catch that dane pup for a week.
they learn so much differently than any other breed-- and i have dealt with alot of different kinds... danes use their training... if you show them how ot open the icebox door on command- you better not leave them home alone. especially if you hang a dishtowel thru the fridge handle-- that is just an invitation to disaster.
i just checked the overnight comments-- nothing needing my attention yu all are doing really welll at keeping everyone informed. and best of all --- sold out.... i
i must away to the purple egg boiling department.... .. i have to go buy a dozen store bought eggs... because our hen's diet varries as the fridege gets cleaned... some of teh eggs shells are too weak to endure the flying egg bit.... others shells are so tough they sometimes don't break at all-- so i buy-- then boil for 2 minutes to get some solid white next to the shell...
it is very scientific.....