Sunday, October 18, 2015

oct 18 2015
ON  roll... ordering fening... so buy bricks...

this fencing will mean the front of the house ... field "A"  would be useable for massive running...
the problem has been the stream that runs thru it has overflowed too often and made a mucky mess of the soil... whidh is mudpies to the dogs...- swamp to the rest of the world...--  if i could pull all that muck back up on the hill where it started we coudl have grassy area-- but i don't think  the powers that be would allow that...   so we can fence it off... and wit difficulty leave one small 10 section with good footing for them to cross... . there are culverts- so it is possible  to go round wihtthe golf cart...  the muddy area is ... per ryan 600 feet around... and replacing the 30 year old perimeter fence is 1000 feet.-- and the GE company says they will be here to work.... so i need to get the mqaterials here... we have the post [pounders ( those red pieces of  capped pipe with handles) that you lift and drop...  very efficient way of pounding the metal posts...  when we first moved in--- i struggled to put the fence around "puppy hill" for the donkeys... and i would pound 5 posts a day....  simple in sand.. but this is new england with it's rock infested soil....
from tractor supply ( go look)
150  T posts  7' tall  $5.49  minus 5%
16 rolls of 5'tall 2x4 horse type fencing 100' long  $179.00  minus 5%

best part of $3500... so keep those bricks coming.... 
there are all kinds of fencing techniques... my favorite is to  afix on end to  tree -- or very sturdy object... un roll it.. attach teh other end to the back hoe and tug it straight.... then as it stands  there... pound the t posts in  line... and tie it up with  hay sting til you find teh gizmos to attach it.  that gets it really straight... i do it about the same with wood posts--- pull a cable straight  dig holes with the tractor stnd thre posts in the holes to get the bottom of the post   where it belongs-- tie it with hay string- add rocks, a bag of cement and a bucket of water- and fill the hole - and let God worry about mixing the concrete,,

? level?   a post standing straight has no sideways   weight--- we did the flagple about like that...a string with a nut at the end will give you the verticle if it is not windy... those little  bubble things are too cumbersome-- and i never can find one....
i always feel energated when there is construction going on...
and there is on the back porch too..

we are making ready an area for opals pups... now we hae to get them thinking it is fun to go our there/// so far they like the fluffies right wherer they are....
i suspect we cn get some camera coverage by rolling the nursery camera around and hanging it out a window or such... yet to be discovered today...

the massive filing cabinet which we got fom camera mark which took up so much space -- ws foiund to contain only towels-- so that is in the dog's dorm room now-- being a great towel holder..
 now to find one more leg for the kuranda bed, and we will have a nice setup for opal's pups.
and so it goes...
oh... one piece of research help.... i found in my mothres belongings a 1915 gold coin  - i think it is a $20 coin..
does anyone know if it is worth a  million dollars????