Sunday, October 11, 2015

oct 11 2015
venting.... beware.....i will skip  lightly over venting about the printer who has pop up ads telling me how horrid i am for not using their brand of ink- and how i am ruining the mechanial parts  etc...
next venting...  i can not deal with internet dispersion of crap.   the crap stops here... it also starts here..  i got an email about cp ordering each other around.....  if you don't get the info from me.. don't read it-- and even if you get info from me... i may  and do change my mind often.....i would say simply shut it off... and that would be fine...  or post a question at mail call.... i take all questions... and then you at least have the crap from the horses mouth ( or rear... whatever)  except the person went on about not buying chicken bricks to support sdp...anymore
now   wait one cotton picking minute........that is terrible....  get your eye on the goal..... you can  not allow anyone  to get you so upset that you refuse to support what   will be so helpful to someone in need...  and we need that support... period.  this project needs a village. unfortunately any village  has dispersers of crap.   but keep in mind-- teh chief disperser  is teh guy who wears the hat  with the feathers   .... and carries thh sword.
....we are going to have upsets.... so get ready... between accreditation,and  an accountant,  there are some changes i must make... i am not thrilled believe me... but  if adi says i must put big red signs over the big red cylindars that say fire extinguisher,  then i must.... just in case some  fool would just let a fire burn because he thought the big red cylindars were welding cylinders...
regardless of  these people trying to legislate common sense---  i know that is a lost cause-- no one will ever get this place running per roberts rules of order..... so if we can all please just hang in   - i am trying
broadway music?  there has to be one.....
pick alittle talk alittle
pick alittle talk alittle
chip chip chip
talk alot  pick alittle more

right --  well anyone with any problems -- from microphones to shitpicking.... ask me at- or send a snail mail-- for mail calll
 we could use more letters anyway....
there are reasons....   like  the buzzzzzzzz..... joyce ( picture/sound fixer) does not want to upset anything   with the camerqas and mics.. til after gussie delivers... because... experience comes from bad experience--- you don't want the pictures shut down  in the process... so knock it off.  we starte with no sound anyway....  sound is a luxury.

and then the banks....  and what they are no longer providing......
stay tuned