Friday, March 3, 2023

 we get too soon old and too late smart.... I've been warning about the the drought---and lack of water being a problem in ways we didn't foresee... and now the deluge of water in California is not sinking in to the water table but causing mud slides into thE ocean... which will not help next summer. This snow pack will help some...... but.... my local frantic problem .... is the hay crop---local being in  Canada---Which is where I've been getting our hay from.. but I went to get it Wednesday and found that Monday's hay truck was already empty and the next load would be Thursday evening so he suggested I come back on Friday morning which is exactly what I will be doing....  hopefully with Judy I think ---though on these hay  trips it's not totally necessary for me to have a second person... I just back in and they load it-- they tie it down--- I pay them ---and go away.. where I go to Meredith and somebody gets it to dump while I sit... I pull forward-- lower the trailer and go home... that doesn't take two people...but it is more fun.....

Between Elizabeth and Carly they will get it taken care of and Carly says if I manage to get a second load today that she and her significant other will see that it gets in  my barn as reserve.


Today's statistical question....  if baking sweet rolls makes you gain 3 pounds in one day. why does NOT baking sweet rolls make you lose 3 pounds in one day ?

it doesn't work like that.. but they were good..  The whole project started with simple naan bread  Which leaves out the brown sugar butter and Karo.


I was trapped in the house yesterday  .... giving me a perspective of what lots of “elderly” people go. Thru..... my problem was my car—which is usually parked up the hill by the front door.. Was still hooked to the hay trailer and there was really no logical reason to unhook it which means poor mark has to deal with the on and the off---- I forgot to mention the fact I had no golf cart up by the front door either..  I'm sure in an emergency I could have walked down the hill which was icy or more probably gone down cellar and out through the garage is would probably be a safe way to go... but I've gotten spoiled between the warm car and the golf cart.. so having nothing to do I hopefully have finished up the paperwork to give to the accountant to get my IRS taxes up to date... thank heavens I have COVID to blame things on.. although I think at 85 I can get

away with a lot ----hopefully.. I know that I have asked for the forms to send in money when you don't send paperwork...  and I have not received any... I think they expect me to get it off the Internet... but again I'm 85 I don't get along well with the Internet anyway if they expected me to send them money then they ought to be able to send me the forms.. we'll see if that works. My paperwork is a bit late.

go back to the trapping concept--- I certainly got a picture of a person sitting in a chair staring at a black television-- all alone nothing to do.  the commercials on TV for local daycare help show a smiling younger woman help and older woman on with it sweater...  well around here yesterday it was Karen and she didn't help me on with the sweater but she did bring me Indian food.. 


Judy and I have a personal goal of 100 people per week and this week we have not done it I'm ashamed to say.

she has been in contact with a lot of senior drop in centers. but their activities directors are all booking Appearances sometime in April... Where she was gone the month of January on a well deserved vacation, we got behind in our organization because in January she would have been booking March and heaven knows there are a whole lot of places they are thrilled to have us come.

we did have a new thought with this leave explore cameras running....  topsfield senior center wanted to know what was teh cost FOR THE ELECTRICITY --- because some one would question that....sounds like ipswich neighsayers....with the noisy smelly dog arguement.

does anyone know cost of running a tv????


that's not totally unlike what happened to us last year Where we didn't breed to have puppies, so now we're going through a period of no puppies to graduate  for the next year or two....  hopefully  cici is pregnant it will have puppies sometime in may 2023.  hopefully we will raise these the old service dog project way so that they would be ready to graduate sometime in may of 2024 if  lucky.  We got out of step between the neighbors complaing about noise and covid--- whatever... SDP needs 3 litters of 6 pups each to function efficiently with a few dogs constantly in every level of training.... with a constant availability of graduates.  it's been a while since we have had that.