Monday, March 6, 2023

 mar 6 

 i am the pothole between a rock and a hard place--- crazy acres has always been teetering under some impossible project or another.... and flexibility to weather any storm has always been our success.. 

i personally need another project equally as compelling-- i have turned over the mamagement of the SDP to the board and lynn-- who i hope will recognize that does not mean i have turned over the CONTROL of me.. because i am sure you all recognize life would be a lot simpler if i was just stashed away in a nursing home--- to be medcated to snoozing like all the places i now enjoy visiting. with the 3 dogs i now own. i have always had 4 to 8 .....

as long as i have a breath in me--- and can back up a trailer, i  have and can earn enough money to support myself and whatever animals i choose to acquire.... 

without that project, i will put my dogs in the forrunner, take that iron stove apart and put it in the trailer and drive off looking for a place to live.

there is a broadway show song.  from .. "carnival"--- "i've got to find a reason..." ---wonderful show....


Look my friend do what’s best for you

Do what’s best for you

Look my friend I’m out of step with the rest of you

Is this the answer to your prayer

That’s fine, your prayer not mine

Your life not mine

The phony and fake with nothing to take

Or bring to the world

Just cling to the world for life

Look my friend I’m out of step with the rest of you

I’ve got to find a reason

For living on this earth

I’ve got to find a reason

For taking the space I take

Breathing the air I breathe

There’s more to this there’s more to me

Something in me that needs to

Do more than suck the breath from life

Like moss and leaves and weeds do

Holding up my head

Holding down a place

Being worth a name

To go with my face

I’ve got to find a reason

For living on this earth

Something to want

Something to be

Somehow to say  

I am me L


amen aaa

aUpdate: June, 10th 2013
