Thursday, March 16, 2023


mar 16 2023

This computer never ceases to amaze me with how it can screw up something and this morning it's changing all the e-mail addresses instead of an @ yeah. it's putting a percentage sign  %. and for a while I thought it was a legitimate.. The first time it happened was someone in Britain so I figured it was just some new Gmail kind of thing till 15 minutes later I got it back rejected..what really confuses me is... it is not all of them... just some..and I can not see what the difference is

In the list I pulled. 1,2 are % 3 is @ --- 4,5 % ------ 6,7 ,8 ok ---- 9 %-- a lot are yahoo. But not all... computers  are supposed to have a reason....mine is  super creative.

Speaking of creative--- a reminder if you have not seen the ted lecture on creativity- by  ken Robertson. I highly recomment-plus it is good for lots of laughs.

And I thought of it....... when I went to Curves, to look them over.... the very pleasant woman running the joint mentioned in passing that she was a dance major......i immediately  thought of that lecture about the ADHD kid who could not sit still who got into dance  to become choreographer for  Andrew Lloyd Webber  and did Phantom of the opera--- Jesus Christ Superstar—and things  like that.  So here was another outlet for a dance major...

I had always put dance majors on a parr with political science majors—and we all know how successful they have become at producing humor for the entire world.

So this “curves” ( or in some cases Buldges) is very well organized....they have 10 push me pull you type machines and very cleverly... a mat on the floor between them ( doubling their capabilities)  the TV in the background has someone bending and stretching and tooting a horn every minute or so to tell everyone  to shift one place clockwise-  well... I think I can do all the machines and they will be good for me... but the 60 seconds of  bend and stretch standing on a mat may be more than I can do- but I will have a go at it...


It was interesting to go thru all the questions she was told to ask—like what part of me did I want to work?   I did not laugh out loud... she worked very hard to get  me to sign up for a year of series for regular “classes” or even a home version...   prepaying a year for anything was not in my playbook...  but I would try and get there 10:30 today looked like an interesting  bunch of women...  but totally strange to me.


I will certainly be  using muscles that  I never intended to move...By tomorrow I may  be totally incapacitated .but I will try,