Thursday, March 2, 2023

 mar 3 2023

carl and his training problems....... his added complication is that malarkey  - his brother--- has domininated him and is fouling up my progress.... larkey does not do a thing.... EXCEPT  a very quiet growl whenever he walks by Carl... and carl just backs away... it was evident yesterday with all 4 in the car- and judy decided to water them by holding a plastic bag open for them to drink...( out of the back window...)..i will watch his breakfast when anyone gets here to feed. no fight. just a simple "good morning Carl- now if you would just step aside and let me eat your breakfast too."

? news? 

Nice Friendly baseball game--- 2 teams. 4 umpires

Went for 9 innings with tied score

At which point the umpires left the field because their contract was for 9 innings.

So the 2 captains decided to bash. On without them.... and it worked.

ouch----the umpires were tecnically correct.... about taking you eye off the ball....

i do enjoy  noticing how errors are made...ok i was on january calendar-- needed to flip to  feb 3rd and note a dr apt.... so i flipped up the page ... and teh 3rd was right where i expected it to be on

 a friday.  and filled in the info....then judy tells me the march  calendar says  i have another dr apt  tomorrow march 3rd....  because i caught and flipped 2 pages... and because feb had 28 days the 3rd of march was also a friday. 

from another source i had kept the feb 3rd apt ) 

whoda thought?

pouring  rain-- i can not get hay today even if they had any.... so to morrow...  i saw this hay bit coming and have a little extra in our loft... but i need to do more...

we have 2 senior drop in centers right near the hay guy-- so that works...  getting to 100 people a week. is a challange.. but we are on it.  i was really impressed with topsfield's senior center

friendly place  on the second fl;oor of  a new addition out back --they quickly added --- with an elevator

the old, origiobnal town hall part has very narrow corridors--- and we had 3 danes.... all behaving... but nce in the building i did take their collaers off- so people can't grab them.. and we walked to the elevator- all 3 dogs whoa'd at the door and stood even as the door opened.. til i said ok get in.. and all 3 got in like they were going to church ! it was impressive... and was noted by the small crowd we had aquired...

and i remembered..... 40 years ago... the topsfield dog officer said to me  " why anyone would want a dog that big i do not know". it may have taken me 40 years, but it went thru my head when all the staff of this town hall admired 3 well trained dogs. 

i should not even mention it.. pride goeth before a fall.