Thursday, March 9, 2023

 mar 9 

there's dog walking and dog watching.... watching is sooooo much easier... gives you time to think... like commuting/thinking.

There are a slew of dogs who are walked past the bottom of our driveway on a daily basis for a while  we had a bunch of poop pickers there for that purpose,, I watched these people.. and it really looks like some of these men have had their wives say to them “take the dog out for a walk”.. so they get in blind stagger mode pick up the leash and drag the dog out for about a half a mile.. where if the dog moves his bowels the man will pick it up and turn around and go home--- job done... I swear some of these dogs have picked up that concept and try very hard to hang on  to "it" to see if they can't get their handler to go far enough so the dog can sniff the neighborhood fire hydrant.. which to them is like picking up the morning newspaper.


if I could just change a few things without making a ruckus... I would pour a cup of caffeine in the husband before handing him the leash with the dog then maybe he could manage to talk to the dog so they could have a morning ritual of bonding.   And if husband was really wide awake if he could manage in this half mile out and half mile back to say the dog's name and “whoa”.  . once or twice in about a week he could stop the dog from rushing if someone knocks at the front  door.. or a few other places where  a whoa  would be a valuable part of the dog's vocabulary.. all for a shot of caffeine..  I personally prefer whoa...  but “wait “and then “OK” . is another very valuable and useful bit of information for the dog..  just imagine being able to stop a dog from rushing through a doorway..  All for a well placed cup of coffee. and a little bit of thinking.


these poor  little dogs ( note--- being a dane  person.. all dogs are little) Are often dragged forward in the most embarrassing of situations..  Ipswich having  a dog park would certainly improve the lives of Ipswich citizens who happen to be dogs..  what is very difficult is----- if you even  mention “dog park”  to a certain bunch of people... these people consider a dog only a bowel movement with vocal cords....  That's all they can think of and loudly say so.  that's called a working sound bite..  it has zero truth.. but catches the ear... or hearing aid..    of people who just aren't thinking...  and really would rather not.