not only a short doggie... but quick doggie too...
what nice pups....from czech...i lost track of how they got to gerany/frqnkfurt. but they edd -- so just an 8 hour trip to boston. from that kennel in czech i have been chasing for years... most of her hqrls look very like chaos...
lynn is sooooo organized it s amazing--- bud arriveed to drive -- dianne to accompanyand th car even had air int eh tires... the house is a little "tight" at the moment...4 pups...jiminey and lachy ... withsiz in heat bentley doesn t care any more... lindsay arived for overnight with her 2 ( inc anna)
big push now is dogfest--- it used to be so simple- people came and went and had a good time.. somehoe it haas got more difficult-- with thei cov 19 bit... we have to plan everything with who has what vaccine -- of heaven forbid some that can not or.will not take it.
all that... i forgot to remind you all of teh chicken bricks.. and we are only about 55% with tomotrrow the day... i have a few in teh drqawer to enter yet... but we are in tough shape...
everyone enjoyed cowboy matt at last night. mail call-- so now everyone go buy a brick in his name... or anyone elses's whatever....