Friday, September 17, 2021

sept 17 2021

 festing is upon us..    what ain't  done... ain't never gonna get done, unless the festers do it.... which aj got to it immediately .... taking apart teh t tent... with meatcutter steve... have at it....  i am minus one tent this morning....small panic...---

just when tyou think you have everything in order....
matt came up with a steer head ( plastic)  to attach to a bale of hay.     so everyone has started swinging ropes at it...

second. challange........couple years ago... i siphoned water up and over the swing set-- and i forgot how i did it... so that set up ie ready for some of you  brilliant engineers to get running again... 4 water jugs and a 50 foot hose.-----   that became a challange when the internet suggested the egyptioans "floated "   rocks to the top of the pyramids...-
 over 25% of out "cp'sapparently are men-- so have at it guys......

and then there is teh 9  tons of rock i inadvertantly ordered....  i hope some cp knows something about massonary work-- like mixing the glue stuff....   that came about when  some spcial ed person came to interview us abotu sending us 3 or 4 students with a counsler-- to help around.."job training".   
 well all they ever do is pick pooo--- and there is no final... finished job.. whan it comes to poo...-- and tehn a saw the round cement septic tank holder i somehow ordered 20 years ago.. which has been alot of things ... like fire pit.... 
i thight it could become teh base to one of those small stone pillars i often see-- so i went to favorite stone store... bentley warren. where they. crush rock and sort stones.and deciced on one scoop of teh next to largest size..  like 4 inches....   i hooked up the trailer and had second thoughts about driving home  minus the back tailgattees with a load that could/would roll....  so fortunately i paid teh $30 to have it delivered..      
well -----oher day. with the water delivery exercise.... "a pint is a pound the world around"  we calculated the 4' x 4' cube or a palet of water musthave weighed  2200. pounds-- the secretary at teh weigh out scale siad the rocks were $25 a ton.... i knew the size of teh scoop-- that tractor was just ditting there..-- so i  asked her to send me a scoop.
 no problem .. it would be the load after the 3:30 load of sand going elsewhere...  " a triaxle load"  ( ? could it dump in a level spot without the truk tipping over../) yes.... no problem
so the tri a=xle arrived with  one scoop... which turns out to be 9 tons... not the 2 i was expectkng

 this is when i have to go with goldie ( our ghost of the lefthand drawer)   goldie must have some plan for 9 tons of rock...  so i will accept her challange-( what else can it do .... it is a huge pile of 4 inch brown -- round--- lovely rocks.) as mysister frannie wold say "have faith" 

then ther is th e questoion of who buys rocks in new england???    but these are differrent. rocks...
 a rock is a rock the world around too....

or shoud  i say "now is teh time for me to go play with my mental blocks !!"