recovery is still in dog fest to dog fest. 22. the only glitch i heard about was a neighbor. trying to stop people from using my 2nd driveway.... if you were one of those people, maybe writing down what happened in an email to me..... might help us explain to the neighborhood. that is my driveway....
elvis and wife went "home" last night--- back to mreidith farm. where so many people pass by and admire elvis's golden balls .
a few trailer problems to solve...janine's does not fit in her driveway so she is still driving mine... and
i have. 3 carriages to pick up in new york.....maybe we can get measurements on them next ???? hoping they fit int the dump trailer and janine's truck.- otherwise 2 trips...
closely followed by the neighborhood. court case on the 28th.
then.....i think i have off til dogfest 22 !!
well then maybe i can pursue my 9 tons of rock project. that could really turn out to be q good fun.... last night's insomnia. i was into all the odd things we could do by gluing all thowse rocks togethere..... if it turns out these kids can pile them up and glue them togetehr...-- how about mailbox posts--- done around wire fencing with rebar across diameter.. tehn 2 x 4's strapped tight to transport????? the current 9 tons are 4 to 5 inch rocks... but if tht works i will get a 5 gal pail full of teh 1" ---1/2" and 1/4" sizes.. to expeeriment....
i dunno why....? wedding presents? we even have a full box of gizmos to strap something circular....
i need help with teh words.... mortar... concrete...cement--- all i want to do is glue them togetehr.... how about flex seal. ..... gorilla glue....??? any experts????