i am so full of "you must not say that's" this morning..that it is hard to write and make a point...... but that doesn't stop me----. to put something in socially acceptable terms...life is a crap shoot and not enough people understand basic statistics. things like... not every leaf blowing in the sky is a flying saucer...or if you cross the street enough times you eventually will get struck by a red bus. or the old chestnut... give enough monkeys enough typewriters and one will type the complete works of william shakespeare.
2021 1 30
Trying to find an example which will not offend anybody --- let me try education .. I watch the commercials on TV now begging for students to go to their University .. “come here --have a scholarship for the first year “ .. then you will have a few credits toward your degree ... All you then need to do is take out a student loan to take a few more courses and if we give a special course in XYZ 101 that's required for this degree we can then say it's very special and charge twice for it .. and then add 14 more students to the class .. which won't cost us anything and they'll have to do it in order to get their degree .
at which point we will decide you are a graduate .. with a degree .. in the meantime you gave us a lot of money .. the bank's got a fairly reliable worker who can then spend the next 10 years making a profit for the bank paying off this loan.. very legal creative business,,,,
I remember .... I had two knees --- I still do .. but those knees 30 years ago hurt .. and I ended up going to an orthopedic surgeon .. operative word here is surgeon .. both of these were bad--- I've forgotten why .. at any rate he decided he needed to operate on them – he said that would put off the complications of arthritis .. of course I wanted to put off arthritic complications so I said fine cut up my knee .... Fortunately I decided to do only one knee at a time .. so I could still get around .. so he did that ..
The rest of that story .. is being blessed with such poor memory I totally forgot about the second knee till six months later I realized the bad knee was now as good as the knee I had fixed (at great expense .). but who cares insurance is paying for it ??? not the way to go ..
but he had planted in my head the fact that my knees were pre arthritic ... when in fact all of me is pre arthritic. Actually I am no longer “pre” anything.
Another case --- at Mail call the other day I had some reason stick my foot up in the air and show everyone the lump on my leg which was caused long ago by getting kicked by a baby horse . somewhere along the line with this knee surgery .. the surgeon started talking about this tumor on my leg ..of course the minute I heard tumor ...My mind was set in a panic .. because the concept of tumor is a lot different than the concept of lump ... and he knew that .. however I got home and my dr. husband said “ for heavans sake it's just fat --leave well enough alone. “.. He also made some comment about if you go to a surgeon they'll find something to cut .
I'm not sure what the cure for this problem is .. medicine is a business .. rent an equipment have to be paid for .. but statistically there has to be some line ...
Words do matter. Especially if they get planted in my head by someone trying to make a profit off my lack of knowledge .
Car mechanics to kindergarten teachers .. business is business.. “ you don’t want to get on the road and have A flAT TIRE.. LET ME HELP BY SELLING YOU 4 NEW ONES.”
all you have to do is quote statistics or use math...and people believe it .. from 30 years ago still used today.... “the rate of increase in the job market is down.” And the listener hears “job market down” .. with all the extra time on our hands I could say check the source of any information.... but the internet puts out all this mind bending #$%^&* that it is hard to find edited, correct.. information.