2021 1 21
So the concentration is on the larger donkey ... there were four people here connected to her donkey project and when I spoke with him they told me with all authority that the two donkeys in that pen were males .. OK ... knowing how these things go around here I figured I'd better verify it ..but I didn't want to get out of the car so I asked one of the volunteers here the goal is see whether they could figure out what was going on and he came back with great authority and told me that the larger donkey was female .. so now I have four saying male one saying female and me sitting in the car so I asked Lynn WHO'S a very bright intelligent person who should be able to tell the difference.... if she would go chec-- she sent anotehr volunteer who found me in the house and had Mail call and told me that they couldn't tell .. leaving me with either a female with an extended utter full of milk who's about to have a baby --Or a pregnant male doesn't really make any difference except for the fact that if it is a pregnant donkey I would pay slightly more attention to be sure it got a handful of graned couple times a day along with its hey .. the hey we have is super hey anyway and they could easily live on it and she could easily have a baby while eating it but little extra grain is nice ..
and then there's Moe .. in an effort to give her grain and not have the goats die from eating too much grain ... I have pulled out one of our nosebag slash pocketbooks .
from the wild Wild West comes the concept of attaching a bucket two other horses nose so as they move around they take their grain with them and you can be pretty sure that everybody gets their own 'cause there's no way of stealing it I ordered a bunch of those from China because not only are they good nose bagsTO FEED grade horses or donkeys but they are amusing carryalls or totes for people -- Because Moe is showing a little bit of weight loss and the goats are so persistent I've tried letting bowl loose and putting a nosebag on her with some grain in it .. it is very interesting to watch she she's got the part down Pat about eating the grain ... but doesn't realize that is she fix her head up and moves the grain goes with her plus she has to learn that when the grain is gone is she just picks her head up and stands there we'll take it off so she can chew on the grass ..
to see all 1800 pounds of her chewing on grass that cannot be an inch long .. Is interesting to watch from the standpoint of fresh vegetables .. the pieces she bites off cannot be more than about 1/2 an inch long .. which is also why horses spend so much time grazing there's an awful lot of tiny little pieces of grass to nourish them .
I think Henry will be off down the driveway today on his way with his new partner -- I heard that he was going to take Henry and go out to dinner with some friends down in Waltham somewhere .. and I haven't heard how that went but I don't expect there to be any problem .. most situations in a restaurant with a service dog , R you ask the dog to get under the table and lie down .. and most of the time that works .. the dogs are certainly capable of doing that however .. these are tall dogs and when they get up wearing their harness if the table is constructed with bolts sticking out underneath as they often are it is possible for the dog to walk off with the table hooked to his harness so that has to be considered .. if you end up with a dog in the between tables I always pull out an extra chair to block them to be sure that anyone carrying a tray would see the chair and not necessarily a black dog lying on a dark floor .. and if there aren't any extra chairs restaurants usually have a high chair somewhere .
We had an interesting email from one of the kids with a dog .. in gym class the kids we're all running laps around a gymnasium floor and our recipient couldn't do that ..however the dog thought maybe she should be chasing all those people that were running .. which is an odd reaction mean we maybe didn't get the dog ready to accept .. so I suggested he just sit down and talk to the dog and explain at great length that they that supposed to chase all those people that are running I think he just wants to join in the fun .. dogs are fascinated with things that are moving particularly if it's moving away from them if they figure they better catch it ..and unfortunately most of our dogs could catch most any kid that was running ... so we should set up sub training for that all we need is a bunch of kids to run around in circles .. which is going to be hard to find since they don't have school outside now .
The hunt and chase --is deeply embedded in most every dog .. and all of you people who read this thing for a long time have heard me explained why so many dogs chase postman or vacuum cleaners .. I think it's the same instinct .. the postman arrives in the yard and the dog barks . the postman walks up to the door pokes the Mail enter whatever it should go and turns around and walks away while the dog barks hysterically .. that dog figures haha I chased him see he turned around and left he was afraid of me so I should bark harder next time .. it's kind of the same thing if anybody is using a vacuum cleaner if the vacuum cleaner goes tord the dog and the dog tried to bite it and then you pull it back just vacuuming and the dog Gets very confused by the whole process of something going tord him and away from him .
it has a more serious situation if you have a dog on a leash and some other dogs comes in to sniff or whatever and you pull a dogTOWARD YOU.... the dog that's approaching figures he has the upper hand Because your dog went away from him ---and may at that point just run in for the attack when your dog is limited by the leash and even if you pick him up you're in trouble .
Thing is ---ours are all great Danes , picking up is not an option . so your only recourse is to let him stay at t HIS ground AND get out of the way .. Most dogfights are more noise but everything else anyway -- if you watch our puppies playing by the time they're five months old they've had a lot of practice add chewing on each others necks in preparation for fighting .. our rule of thumb around here is if it's not spurting blood then clean it up and let it heal . I am sure medical people will Dow mention all of the things that can go wrong with a dog bite .. Our decision has to be tempered with consideration for percentages ... and if we ran to the vets with every spot of blood we wouldn't have time to do anything else .. so the process of cleaning it up remove the hair around it so you can see what's going on and just watch it .
One other truism about people and dogs .. is if anything starts .. the larger dog is going to be blamed for being the aggressor ... doesn't matter ---- you have only to watch Wanda .. all 12 pounds of her chase are great Danes around .. but if our great Danes even step on her somebody'D Get mad at the Dane
one other small comment here is that Danes are very vocal .. so many times when you are approaching a strange dog the Dane will make a grumbly noise , and be accused of growling when actually the dog is just saying “ holy cow what do I do now “ and the grumbly noise is just to alert you pay attention . .