Tuesday, January 19, 2021

JAN 19 2021

 whadya mean  -- nothing to fear but fear itself.. there is plenty of that ot go around without getting on a rollercoaster...  every morning i get up ( so far at least)  and it starts... 

no i better not say that...  well that is amusing .. but probbly only  to me.... .. it is tough finding a topic which is not an insult to some one or group.. especially when so many people are literally volunteering to be  "discussed" on the daily doggie...... loosing one's sanity is rampant... or as morag ( in scotland) would say  "pity so many have lost theiri sanitation" 
so i am left with aninmal stories..
2021 1 19
Like the two semi useless gold balls on my desk ..  I had four gold balls but I used two of them on the horns of the   mini zebu that Janine bought my mistake at the slaughter auction ..  she saw a very nice looking healthy  cow about to be loaded  on a truck to  Mexico and it was so nice and polite that she quickly bid on it and put it on her trailer .. as very nice  polite horned animals can be hard to find....  .....once we got it home we found out that was not an "utter"  hanging underneath... and in fact this was a steer .. a very nice carefully raised nicely educated steer.. Janine   has had that problem before when she bought the five white milk goats who needed to have what was not a uutter removed and why we have three of them still   here as the 3 very persistant "snap crackle and pop"  ---- three neutered male goats ---   but back to our animal with horns ..eventually named Elvis ... he was very nice and very polite .. but those horns that a point on the end of 'em .. could be relatively lethal if he just wanted to SWAT a fly by swinging his head sideways .. in order to solve that problem  ==I knew I had seen things that go on the end of those horns to make them less less lethal and they did have plastic ones but I decided Elvis was so nice that I didn't want to degrade his persona with plastic horn balls .. so I called smucker's harness  down there in Pennsylvania country .. because if the Amish don't already sell it--- they  will figure out how to make it or get it .. and Dan sounded like it was perfectly normal to ask for horn balls and yes they had  both  plastic and brass ones...  what size would I like ...
not having any idea of anything I figured Elvis was a mini  stere so I would get mini horn balls ..And since they were only $12.00 a pair I'd  get a pair of medium size horn balls  also   the medium size fit those horns perfectly and once installed by Brian the veterinarian complete with super glue and setscrew they dress up Elvis tremendously so that in spite of his horns he has a great deal of class ..  Furthermore he is not impaled anyone all those horns unintentionally ..   he is not here at the moment ..because he's over Meredith farms where he is amusing to all those people who drive by and look at the animals ..Meredith farm is a private residence but invariably people drive by on the road just to watch the animals ..

a teenager  at  Meredith ( who's name I have forgotten.. sorry)  was the one to babysit  the puppy   " Henry "  during the COV fiasco .. She did such a nice job that Henry is  rightn  now in our guest house meeting with  a very nice man who may be his new owner .. you can't ever guarantee these things 100% .. but the way we start people is to have them spend some time alone with the dog to begin with and see if it clicks at all .
the only complication is tht the heat in the guest house quit Saturday  and we still await it's repair---    so henry and man ( I forgot his name too... it happens/) have moved over into the training room 
thankfully haley and lynn straightened it out as it had  become a place for people to hide .   resting from hard work is certainlhy allowed around here.... however resting out of view of the  rest of the staff is , shall we say... discouraged.. and leads to an "unthrifty" attitude toward  work in general.
 He ... and henry.. apparently survived... I had told him to come to the main house if he got cold and we would put him --- and henry,,, in linda's off ice on the long couch.
But at least he'd be warm and we have another coffee pot here ..
Even if we lost electricity, we have a fireplace.. and thanks to bud's Ability to keep mechanical things running .. like our woodsplitter .. We have a darn good supply of hardwood .. .

Now..  the song... "me and my shadow.".. is redone to    "me and my mattress"
Last night I solved it by sleeping diagionally  in the bed.. because  that was the place where sizzle was not....
I would be the first to  point out.." and you call yourself a dog trainer?????"   yes.... I could make her move....  but a large part of dog( at least dane) .. training is to be on a good rapport  .. and try to minimize the unreqasonable requesgts you make of your dog... they are not  mechanical robots ----- you will never hear me stand in front of a dog and yell "sit", just to prove I can dominate the dog.    My children taught me that concept  when they were about the age of four .
We have had a lot of suggestions about what to do about my mattress crawling off the bed ==  not only that but one guy .. Jim .. decided to analyze WHY it was happening
The ceiling attach point of the rope, relative to where you pull on it, may also be contributing to the movement of the mattress as follows. If, when you are pulling on the rope, it does not make a right angle with the ceiling and the mattress in both the longitudinal and transverse directions, a lateral sliding force is being applied to the mattress when you pull on the rope while in the bed.
This can be illustrated visually if you draw a vector diagram of the forces present when the rope is under tension. The tensile force along the rope can be diagrammatically resolved into its equivalent vertical and horizontal force vectors acting on the rope to get an idea of the amount of side force being applied to the mattress. This force can be longitudinal or transverse to the mattress, based on the angle the rope makes with ceiling while under tension. The magnitude of this force can be determined trigonometrically if desired.
Also, if the friction between the mattress and the box spring is minimal, it will allow it to slide very easily. This is, of course, is a function of the coefficient of friction between the two materials in contact.
Regards;   JIM  