Saturday, January 23, 2021

jan 23 2021 snit


France has passed a law protecting the "sensory heritage" of its rural areas, in the face of complaints about the noises and smells typical of the countryside.  THEY HAD 130,000 SIGNATURES TO DEFEND .... MAURICE.... A ROOSTER,,   HMMMMMMM......


I WAS IN A TERRIBLE SNIT BEFORE I REAd   That thing about France now I'm only in a slightly minor SNIT...unfortunately it's another one of those things that I can't put in the daily doggy ...  but I can only insinuate how sNITTED  I am .


let's make a study of it .. it starts when you have to locate a great quantity of white inexpensive washcloths ... we like the inexpensive ones because they just work better ... then you have to locate Kelly clamp scissors and dental floss and start drinking coffee .. after a while you get to welcome a new puppy into the world ,, get to welcome not only the puppy but just about as much goop that is born with the puppy .. about three washcloths full which aren't washed but thrown out .. so after getting the pup dried off and nursing you're all set of babysitting that dog for a year and a half .. during which time oh there is a metamorphosis from obnoxious rambunctious teenage horror .. into a perfectly behaved helper / companion for somebody with a mobility disability ..   but.... in the meantime.......


there is so much that goes into the rearing and training of these dogs .. there are books and articles written all round the block but I think I found a topic that others may  have missed  ..

------these darling little puppies weigh a pound and a quarter grow very quickly---- so where  THEIR BM’s  Start off as relatively insignificant within a month or two they weigh one pounds average per day .. And I studied that from two angles ..  1st I have   weighed   the dry food that you put into the dog who then mixes it with water as then weigh what comes out which I just did the other day so I could write this ..  .. My other way of checking to see if my calculations are correct purerena gives us wonderful dog food 192 bags every other month .. so to make life easy it's 100 bags a month ... At 37 and 1/2 pounds per bag that's 3750 Pounds per month .. which probably more than doubles in weight when you add water .. so let's   call it  conservatively   6000 pounds .. 3 tons     12 months   36  tons...Let's just quit there and say a big number .

so now Back to  this one puppy  ( that we are about to donate to someone )has these kind of numbers /


 So in the year and a half between birth and graduation somehow crazy acres has had to deal with 547 days of Pooh picking .. Furthermore at 2 BM's a day let's round that off to half a ton .

... so let's just keep going ..half a ton per dog .. and we have graduated now about 200 dogs .at half a ton each ... So what can you compare to 100 tons I don't know .. maybe a battleship . in the  best of times there is no way 12 acres can absorb a half a  ton  oh poo  per dog that's here on the property and most of the time there's about 50 on the property

Now you understand two things... #1.. the guy who picks up our trash/ dump;ster is definitely one of the critical jobs in this pandemic...  and #2  that is a lot of bending over .... to train service dogs?????  but we do it...

So why is it so hard for recipients to  regularly copy and paste a funny story or thankyou...

 to all the people who  have    #1 picked that poo  #$2 supported us with the chicken bricks  #3 suffered thru these daily doggies when I am sorely lacking in   materials?????????


 Some recip[s are wonderful... you all know who they are....  but the ones that go down the driveway and I never hear a word are the ones that aree going to cause me to get writers cramp.. when it comes to recertifying and writing letter=s.  I have told everyone of them I do not read facebook and need an email sent to me directly . how unreasonable is that ?    you all who support sdp desearve better attention..

.and the children who have our dogs... it is wrong for us to let them not realize.. ok  sdp now has them more independent physically... lets try mentally... your parents often write..... but.....    write your own interesting stories to all the cp’s who paid for the dog you have.... it is called paying it forward...

So afer all that .


I learned a new word  zeugma... I have long enjoyed the song “have some madera m’dear” specially for  the zeugmas it contains


The song contains three much-quoted instances of zeugma:[4][5]

·       And he said as he hastened to put out the cat, the wine, his cigar and the lamps

·       She lowered her standards by raising her glass, her courage, her eyes and his hopes

·       She made no reply, up her mind and a dash for the door.[6]

well i got one cut and paste.....


Marnie asked me to check in with you.  As the pandemic numbers continue to escalate, our pack continues to quarantine (fyi our pack consists of Marnie, her Bernedoodle Hamilton, our bear in the form of a 17 pound Sheltie Mandy, hubby Randy and me).  We are getting a bit stir crazy and we are thankful to live on 13 acres where Marnie and her Doodle can run.  I’ve never known a dog who so enjoys and needs to run hard and often as Marnie.  Marnie’s Doodle, Hami, was just about 4 months old when Marnie and I were matched.  He used to trail far behind her in the run--and when she turned and started running towards Hami, he would turn with a shocked look on his face and high-tail it to me sitting on the steps.  You could just here him yelling “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy” as he ran to me.  Now he can stay a little closer to her but still can’t catch her unless he takes a short cut through my garden to head Marnie off.  Sometimes, as she closes in on him, he still turns and runs away from her with a look that isn’t quite as surprised as when he was younger but still looks a bit shocked.  Marnie and her Doodle brother love each other a lot and are the perfect pair of housemates.  Hami is still young (he turned 1 in November) and sometimes when I stand, he wants to continue playing with Marnie but she is even more determined to get to me to help.  She is teaching him when to stop playing so she can work.


My disability comes from a deteriorating spine and lately the referred pain and weakness has changed from my right hip to my left.  It has been hard for me to continue walking with Marnie supporting me from my left side… we are working on making Marnie ambidextrous.  At first she was horrified and afraid to work from my right.  Marnie is getting much better but, to start I must be in a position where she can’t get to my left side….and is instead forced to my right—like standing next to a piece of furniture on my left.  Marnie and I are still are a work in progress but she is getting more comfortable although she walks a bit to far forward because she feels the need to watch my steps by looking down and back.  I lavish her with praise and she still works on my left most of the time.  My back is finding some relief from having Marnie switch sides for even a small part of the time--so it is easier for me to switch back and forth.  If you have suggestions, I surely will appreciate them.  I will also email Lynn to see what suggestions she has for helping Marnie become more ambidextrous.


We really don’t have anything else to report.  We are bored silly (as you will see in the attached picture) and hope that I can get vaccinated in the near future so we can venture out a bit more.


Stay safe and healthy!

Marnie and Peggy