the ultimate in message leaving ...
then last night lacking any proper cookies somebody had left a Dunkin' Donuts chocolate brownie on I ate the whole thing .. within minutes I had all the symptoms of COV with a choking and coughing and hacking and wheezing .. i doubt Dunkin' Donuts is lacing them with strange things oso.....maybe I'm just plain allergic to whatever was in 'em heavy duty chocolate but I realized I was in trouble and found the benedryl that we have on the counter in case we have a dog problem and I took 2 went back to bed .. then I realized someone really ought to know that I have two Benadryl in me already in case things get worse. i needed toget a message to an emt who might have to deal with me if i got worse....
so I thought of writing it in magic marker on my forehead ..
well I couldn't find a marker ... so I told Claire our overnight person . I really doubt the Dunkin' Donuts put any cannabis in their brownies .. I must be allergic to chocolate of some kind -------that's ... a hell of a note ......or possibly dunkin is lacing them with odd medicinal now legal things????? it tasted really good !!
Moving back to the garden project from yesterday I did hear from Janet who said that was an excellent place to have a a garden but she doubted she could be much help because she's terrified of snakes so will be looking for people that help with that project that aren't afraid of snakes .. actually I think the snakes are on that island and then on the far side of the pond I've never seen any on this side .. I've never looked too hard either .
in keeping with this project .. I had a note from honey in Vermont and said but some of these places that sell seeds like burpees are already out of certain kinds of seeds because everybody is starting to garden .. basically getting the same idea that I had .. So my advice is get your packet of peas early .
hopefully Explore gets us a new camera for that chicken coop .. because it would also show this fence garden project I believe .
I believe Janine has left off 2 pregnant donkeys here now and she says she has one more somewhere which she will be dropping off and turning in with our bunch ..I should not tempt fate but usually donkeys are so Placid that they really don't care who joins them --- other than a shake of the tail .. you couldn't bounce around a bunch of horses like this they'd get it in awful mass kicking ..
Watching doctor Pol o n National Geographic makes me think it would be fun to have a milking goat .. but then I remember how cold it is of how you have no choice you have to milk them so I forget that project .. of late there's been some very cute miniature pigs .. and if I was younger I might be able to figure that out ..I always I always like pigs .. they are far more intelligent then we give them credit for ... But they definitely have some physical disabilities .. like their head neck arrangement is not conducive to much of anything except digging holes in the mud . I did find out that if you feed a pig grain they don't smell . is when you feed them kitchen leftovers that have some fat or meat in them that they become very odoriferous ..
Today being Monday ,, is trash collector appreciation day .. I try and leave a few dollars As a thank you -- way high on the post that he could reach as he swings in to get our dumpster .. The collection of my trash is very important in my life ... as it is in everyone's life whether they think about it or not .. this CLV is causing us to redefine critical industries . that's all well and good .. I hope we make a serious effort to get rid of some of the industries that aren't critical .. heck I'm not sure we need them at all . keep it basic..... I really like clean fresh water to drink , and food in the local supermarket , and a fire Department that comes when it's called .. and all those things are government which we forget sometimes .. If the population of the United States had to get their drinking water 3 miles away and bring it home in bottles on their heads .. maybe they would have less time to Complain .