Wednesday, January 22, 2020

jan 22 2020

Walter is now sleeping-..... well  maybe he  is runnung with mary, and  bailey at the rainbow bridge.  wonderful dog, super trained by megan... hopefully goldie will find another pup for megan...
stay out of politics--- well.... i can not imagine at my age--- which many of the senators now are... sitting at my desk.. no phone,,,  no computer.. no talking.. for 14 hours...(well  they must have had  several bathroom breaks at their age... )  normally  i wake up at 1:00 - usually to make monkey fists and drink decaf coffee while getting wierd ideas for this fool daily doggie...last night i was entertained by watching the old folks continuing to sag and droop as they formally  presented ideas about which they had predetermined opinions.  even the guy at the top, with the hammer- nearly had his chin on his desk as he banged it and finally  said "adjourned"-   and he was due back at work  7 hours later.  at 2 am they had a grand time keeping "today, tomorrow , and yesterday" straight in their heads.  some of the younger guys held up a bit better, but the older ones took a hit.
i certainly would run that outfit differently !!
the easiest parts  of any project are -- getting the idea-- and buying the parts online. as i look at teh 3 powerstrips i need to  screw to some wall waist high  so i don't have to crawl around on my knees trying to plug or unplug some devioce at  the "regualr" ankle high plug. 
furthermore... i think i could design something easier than 2 tiny off set screws which are supposed to hold those powerstrips to the wall.
i am very fortunate-- my ability to aproximate the spacing for those screws is bad which results in many holes in the walls of this house....  but since all the walls are wood it is possible to hammer nail / screw holes randomly- and you can just pull them out ---- the holes  heal  themselves and without a magnifying glass,  just disappear.

magnifying glasses , levels and right angle T squares are not welcome here.

with the latest discussion about my roof,  i remembered...... we once had a roof leak.  down the side of the chimney - a pretty sterady drip, but not enough to fill a bucket overnight.... which is my criteria for the seriousness of a leak.. it has just plain gone away... never fixed, but has not leaked in years.
i am a very experienced owner of a leaking roof. in lynnfield it was so bad that i was forced to learn to siphon so i could fill 2 big trash cans at once before i drilled a 1/2 inch hole and stuck a funnel in it to direct the water to the basement garage where it did run "out" if it got over 4 inches deep.
well... it usually did except for the time we had a race  horse standing in 4 inches of water.  i have forgotten why all that happened- but i do remember both horse and teenager  tommy nugent standing in that water.
tommy nugent now doctor nugent-- now reads this -- maybe he can fill in the details???
in the "perils of pauline" department... does anyone know how to get a BOSCH washing machine door unlocked?