Sunday, June 5, 2022

 i think we may make it.. the carpenterr and helper (son) --- the. ones doing the kitchen...donated a few which i just entered...... i also swapped a bushell of used golf balls in the transaction...

  nice guys...  i think we may keep them around for another month--   the father is a "contracter" with. all. the state licenses... and he has 2?3? sons who are terriffic workers--
John=== the father told me when he was a kid, he had to work for his father-- and his pay was an icecream cone and an hour of watching the planes at lawrence airport...

i don't know what. he is paying his kids.... but let me tell you... the real pay he is giving them is the education !!  they know which end of the hammer hits the nail....  and pleasent ! ...fetch carry and haul.... not a if any of those last numbers that i put in that are labeled "kitchen" -- win---- it goes to him....the place is --- during the day ... a whale of a messs-- then suddenly when it is quitting time... the work area is left in pretty decent order.... and swept ( by the son) before they go home;

you can't hardly find those kind any more........... !

 i remember....... when i was building teh laundry building.... mostly with. my son in law......i had a friend "george".- actually a rocket scientist for real---- who had seen the writing on the wall.. with the state of mass.. and permits... so he applied... and got....conteractor---electrical---plumbing---carpentering.. whatever... he had the permits... so he was the one to wave his hand over the pieces of that laundry. building... some of which are a bit unique... like the rafters were swapped for a "circus wagon" i tried t have teh 8 mini donkeys pull... but it was too heavy... so "mr smith --who owned a lumber yard in rockport and had a bunch of those mini draft type  horses--- blonde with a black stripe down the center of their backs...... he swapped me the lumber for all that "stuff " that makes up the ceiling in that building.
and i moved to a "bennington vehicle" from ?England... like the one prince phillip used to drivee-------his was in blue.... mine was red--- to go with the super harness from toronto.. by the time wbz- channel 4... added antlers..... and a santa suit... i was all set for many years of driving santa  into hotel ballrooms  and in many town christmas parades... lotsa stories there....

hopefully tipi moving day    along with shatting....