Friday, June 17, 2022

 june 17 2022

lackey is doing well.... i have been giving him snacks every hour or so and he is still  grabbing it  like he is starving... he is my primary concern.

but i have others;;;; 
1. i hope matt and mark have solved teh hay problem.. and it is under cover somehow...
. i am told we need to make another trip and these trailers are already full
2. i spent the night wondering if i could take a ladder and fix it to our 2 fork lift spikes and hafe teh hay reach teh loft that way
seems it might work.... maybe
3. the redoing the barn per the board of health still confuses me...  i do not see how what they are requesting will accomplish what they say we are being ordered o do....  in my world layering things not 100% waterproof makes for really smelly "under stuff..."  i keep asking for actual plans.. to just cover the wood with sheets of waterproof stuff  does not work with. the slightest crack/pinhole.  
4. and i do not know enough to ask the right. question.... i just know layers work only when trying to stay warm with clothing.--  
5. covering a mess just means you have a  covered mess.  visuals don't really. count.

6. maybe----- nothing to do but polish that wood stove. and get it looking as it should

we need more volunteers---  that wood stove is another project for someone who has graduated from folding laundry????? sit in. the nice cool kitchen.... with black polish?????
and  who can talk to. larkey at the same time....