Thursday, June 9, 2022

 june 9 2022

i love logic problems-----lynn w  told me not to ask.....    " if there is no place in society for the ar-15. then why should we make a place in society for the people who feel they must own one?"   there must be an island somewhere.... 

as we empty the house of-- the overflow---- our table on the end of the driveway  continues to be emptied  pretty much daily....  mark and i did the dump run with janine's dump trailer which was filled with kitchen cabinet's construction  material... janine's "manure trailer"  is the same as my  -- larger -- manure trailer---  my trailer will take my tractor- on the very few times my tractor has needed to travel--- because they look alike, there is a constant mix up of plates and stickers, and paperwork,and excise tax.

i will not load that tractor on the trailer..... there are things i do not have the nerve to ask anyone to  do....if i would not,,, then....

 things around here have become one of three things---
1 things i will do 
2 things i no longer can do
3 things i can not ask anyone to do.-- these were things not included in #1

 tippy tractors is high on my list of "NOT ME"... i am really good at flat and level--- even  on the back hoe end......when the levers are so close to my waist that i can hardly  manipulate them 
we ran into this problem... because we were requested to have an elderly service dog laid to rest in our cemetery--- and mark--- who does not mind "tippy" -- went and dug the appropriate hole and went home... with the idea that i would just push teh dirt back in .....   best laid plans of mice and men....  the dog was laid to rest-- and the owners left-  i went and got the tractor and started to approach the  grave site---AND IT WAS NOT LEVEL DRIVING-- i tried and got some dirt in. the hole with the bucket. i then turned around to try with the back hoe  end- which with teh levers poking me in the belly, i was sitting even higher... and tipping.....   i did the best i could.... finally lynne (W) decided it covered the necessity- and i could quit and let mark finish in the morning.  which he did... 
long ago. i almost tipped that tractor out behind the arena one day-- and i have never recovered...  I JUST WILL NOT TIP -  even driving over a 6" rock will cause a bump that drains teh blood from my brain.

i am not alot better on horseback-- when janine was about 2-- we were both riding a wonderful horse "tackicardia" around a corner.... and he just plain fell over-   i threw janine out of the way,   instinctively--- he landed on my left leg and then got up and walked off-- he was fine--- he had just tripped... sorry.  i had no major problem...HOWEVER.   I NOW PREFER TO RIDE A HORSE IN A STRAIGHT LINE.
before the fall, i had no problem riding a horse  at a run around teh cloverleaf pattern of barrel racing.. you won't see me do that now.... i ride in straight lines.
and yes i got back on tacky after the fall.... it  did not make a bit of difference..   i prefer to ride a straight line then stop ---turn around-- and go the other way... it limits where  i can  go on a horse...