Monday, June 20, 2022

 june 20 2022

why my dogs do not wear collars while not working...

I was sitting on the edge of my bed wrapped in a towel wearing slippers waiting for my husband to get out of the shower when I heard an awful noise coming from the dog house outside my window .....  when I looked I saw the fact that a young pup had tried to jump the 6 foot fence and gotten his collar caught in the  twisted top of the chain link and was hanging there by the collar.  we do live  back "in the woods"   altho running about in a towel is not normal, it can on occasion be necessary.

I immediately ran to help and as I got hold of the dog and tried to lift... I needed more lift so I put my left toe in the chain link and had the dog more or less sitting on my knee while I steadied  the top part with m y hands..... Needless to say the towel had dropped by my feet and I was left wearing one slipper.   I tried to lift the extra 2 inches to get the collar unhooked from that chain link and was not getting anywhere. the dog probably weighed 75 to 100 pounds... so as I stood there wondering what to do next.. up the driveway came the FedEx truck... and as he pulled through the gate and deposited the packages I called to him.” Mr FedEx could you give me a hand”.. he took one look and decided that. yes......I certainly did need help and he cheerfully came to my rescue ....we lifted the dog off the fence...  I put the dog on the ground and picked up my towel and thanked  the nice man for giving me a hand.   He smiled and said not to worry he wouldn't tell anybody.  ..

 Somewhere there is a Fedex driver who smiles.... a lot !

Since i like to be as instructional as possible....   -- the purpose of that true story is........ chain link fence comes twisted wire or "knuckle-knuckle".  and for dogs - the knuckle knuckle is by far the better choice.

i have an even bigger reason not to leave the collars on the dogs at play--- for some other day/