Wednesday, June 29, 2022

 june 29 2022

we have kitchen. counters----   wet do not touch counters, but.. they are there.....

 going on no news is good news from piet-- he was not here overnight... probably home today..
we have great news from our 2 kids  with daisy and melvin -- summer camp is going well so far....

problem #468 of the day..  yesterday riding around  in my car,,,,,just looking... after any rainstorm there is the usual collection of puddles.. but i happened to notice a different pattern in front of the laundry building--- thinking "oh no. -- not something overflowing..." i went to look---- and it was the hot water hose--- left running... now the last time i remember anyone using that hose would have been before the. rainstorm... which would be saturday or sunday.  and it was tuesday morning.  
wasting water --- and electricity at the same time.!!

it's the kind of thing that drives me nuts.....  noticing...between sunday and tuesday an awful lot of people stepped over that hose on their way to the rest room..

so how do we fix it?   well if we have to put a sign "please shut off the water" we have a huge problem...

i did see that kind of thing coming with the hose to the donkey water-- and i fixed the hose so  the water had to drop 3 feet into the tub- and make a noise so anyone going by would see it got left on ...  someone else decided that was  a strange way to run water---   and took it down-  now instead of driving by and checking the water in the donkey area, i have to get out of the car and go look.  - which does not happen that often-- so today  i could go and hang all hoses so we can see if they  are running.... but i will have to put signs on them explaining--- 

and then a sign on the gate "please read signs"??????

there are soooooooo many things around here to make the care of dogs and horses much easier than the "usual" . until.......