Wednesday, June 8, 2022

 after realizing how it might sound to the internet world...... i think cp's should stop asking me who's for overnight-- 

 because last night we had a cancelation  last minute.. so the answer was .... carlene will be here alone...

well... not quite alone...janine across the driveway and matt not much further...
 but the real security is about 600 pounds of great danes who usually sleep right inside the door.

certainly , not attack dogs,  but let me tell you, they do not like to have me be upset by anyone...
if you watch the subtle movements of dogs...  thinking back to bailey and george (DVM. George)....  she did not approve of george
and would always place herself between us.....

i remember....... the day at one of the early dogfests. george said "oh i can win her over.... give me a cookie" so i did
bailey walked over like she was going to church... politely took the cookie and  looked him straight in the eye  backed up and growled at him.

another bailey episode-- again at a dog fest where she was loose---- someone began to dance with earlene...  bailey liiked earlene.  withiin seconds bailey decided they were fighting...
bailey's mouth was within  inches of the man's rear end -- fortunately she looked at me with the question "shall i straighten this guy out and bite him?"

some of you have heard--- the night  i had the 8 of them loose at a formal black /white gala /dinner party and several people began to dance-- 
 within a minute i realized the 6 of teh 8 dogs were circling the dance floor with a funny look in their eyes....
. if the band had ever broken into a charleston type dance with people jumping around kicking at each other,
 i honestly don't know if i could have controlled the dogs.   ?wolf pack was not totally missing from their genealogy.

the puppy sand pile is looking almost useable--- and maybe today... 

here's a wolf pack circling... no question....