Tuesday, February 1, 2022

 feb 1 22

i got sidetracked with fencing,,,,99% of all electric fencing has to be grounded... usually pounding a metal pipe into the grounds when i began to call itseld "temp fencing" i jumped at it powerfields hp-b20. .04oule inserted teh batteries-- touched green to red with grreat expectations -- and got nothing-- seems like somethig should happen... ixnay -- nothing

in the meantime ... my goat toting friends who take 300 odd goats to floridas in a double high 53'trailer........while at their place ..allan sang the praises of this pos/neg netting and posts. arraingement to containhis goats---with difficulty i have located it. premier1.com. i think i was googling sheep fencing.. and it looks like their 30 inch hog fencing might keep fishercats out of the hen house... the fencing is not expen sive-- if i can use any of teh dozen or so "chargers i already own-- i wish. all you cp's were closer and could take on the project of "sdp's #1 looker forer"  we spend alot of time looking.-- pam was our looker... donna does find things and does a wonderful jopb......... but is not a true looker - there is a difference... a true looker is one who seeks the knowledge of teh contents of every obscure container...

i will be very glad when thie cov bit is over with and our standard supply of cps. wander thru helping where they can.... every morning we thank fugan for teh dishes she sent long ago- seeing as when she was here we were nearly down to paper plates...

 i think... if we can make it thru the next few days we will be back in double digit territory when did I ever think that ten was a warming trend.. however that's where we're at right now the plumber spent many hours here yesterday straightening out a few nasty places like under the sink we had an awful time throwing that out because even the garbage disposal was basically a block of ice...   the plumber told them to leave the cabinet opened so that the warmth of the house would get in and stay keep that from freezing I know in the past I have it's only taken 100 Watt light bulb to raise the temperature enough so you didn't have a problem and I had 100 Watt light bulbs in many places on the farm that were touchy to say the least it's just one of those things that didn't get done  

I know full well all of those foam igloos.  which brought frozen food to service dog project  got recycled somehow when what I used to do with them was hanging them on the side of a building with 100 Watt light bulb and I never had any problem with a frozen faucet unles  the light bulb blew out..  I did get the emergency lights set up I don't think anybody checks them but they they are one light bulb in  a window.. each building that should be on all winter and then we put a second light bulb in the window which is attached to a thermometer thing which says when the temperature drops below 55 degrees so that by walking around the house and looking out of every window you can check on the temperature in the buildings

back in Lynnfield when the kids were young very young we didn't have water in the barn to start with and we ran a hose from the house to the barn which worked perfectly as long as you drained it   ... the barn was pretty level so the hose would not drain without some help and we had a rule that they just that Gina Gwen would disconnect both ends the hose and then they had to put it up over their head when they came in from the barn to the house that way they were sure dove having an active hose in the morning.. now we had a simple case or somebody running over the hose that went from the ICU building to the alleyway in the barn and pinched it and it didn't drain and therefore got frozen the only thing you can do the frozen hose is the drag it into some heated building let it thaw for 24 hours and it was at that point which the snow came and we had only two inches of frozen ice in the bottom of that water tank which should have been filled so now that we've learned our lesson hopefully we could get set up I think Matt did go and buy a couple more seconds sections of hose to set it up again but if you don't drain it it's useless I used to have that particular hose strung along the stall doors from the feed from the arena out the front door that was 75 feet and 100 foot hose would do nicely but even that had to be lifted to drain into the arena which then made a patch of ice inside the arena which is a problem there nothing is ever simple but you certainly cannot hang a hose up...... because however well you drain it one drip
wi'll go to the bottom and find another drip and form a 1 inch little block and that 100 foot hose is useless for all those little blocks of ice.

you haven't learned how critical water is until you try to live without it I see all those people in Africa carrying water on their heads and wonder why there's not more attention paid to digging wells I'm sure there's a very good reason ------there is also something like the soil in Africa is not the same as the soil in Iowa you can dig a hole if water runs  far enough thru soil, it is drinkable... someone told me.... I do know if you get thirsty enough,,, anything is drinkable,,,,,
other  problem of th day,, they bought “?my? Toyota four runner here- but had all the paperwork wrong... made out to sdp... and that is my car... so they took it away to try again...

Moving on to the fireplace and the new computer to see if I can figure out how to use it and hopefully we don't run out of wood.