Friday, February 18, 2022

 feb 18 22

dog  feeding-----i can remember the good old days.. we had a washtub in the doorway of the main barn in lynnfield--- into which i would pour a 50 pound bag of purina dog chow  maybe twice a week...    that fed teh rooster..  who kinda guarded it...all yard dogs and barn cats.. wild birds, squirrels and chipmunks.. and i am sure a rat or two., my vet expense for the year was $2 each for the ir rabies shot. at the firehouse.

it was during this time we had polly-- i dont know where we got her- everybody was a stray of some kind.polly looked like pure bassett hound  -----
polly was not spayed--- that never occurred to me-- even as she got very round which i figured was teh tub of dog food.... until one afternoon black puppies began dropping out of the back of her...i was off property  at the time  i called to check on the kids...... so i told the kids ( neighborhood collection there of)well go look around --------when i got home   i heard " hey mom here's another by the stone wall"and the kids had collected 12 black pups in a basket  withh horseblanket in the barn  where polly was nursing them. turns out polly ' significant other was the neighbors black lab--- and polly's children wer adorable black bassetts  who were around the farm many into adulthood --- the only difference in teh routine was maybe 4 bags of dog chow per week...and my vet bill remained $2 per dog per year....

wha happened???????

flash forward " i can not give you a rabies shot until  i do  a $50 physical exam.. i could be critized by my  vet  professionals  " so go ahead and get critized..i will try tractor supply for $7.50"
  when does one say whoa.. let me slow up and think...i need to understand the relativity of what you are presenting as factual...  

i know this is dangerous-- and people will rightly so critize me for even talking about it... but here we go... 

firstly let me point out i am an equal opportunity criticizer-- including   myself------why did it take me so long to say something. 

love that new car withteh warm seat..... so i sat around in the fresh air and watched....."they" were feeding lunch.

 and the longer i sat there the more lunch they fed... peop;e wandering around with stacks of bowls- for 4 dogs in another building.. "pups  have always had lunch"
me "this dog is nearly 2 years old"
.then ""i  had to wash and dry the bowls" 
me  " that is taking too long"
them "well i will get xxx to help me so it will take half the time"
me" and sdp cost for salary would be teh same 
them "whaaaaaaat do you mean  ?"

so i asked the next trainer by to make me a list of who got lunch. very nearly everybody .

ok---what happens if at noontime  eh kennel person takes a box of cookies and goes round twe need to study more "processes" o every dog on property  ... looks at them.. and decides itf they get one cookie or a cupful and every person with a dog in theri care at noon.. does the same thing..- would eliminate geting a dog back in time for lunch.. and the bowl business of wash and  dry...many  hours of staff time. 

ok... we need to study ALL processes