Thursday, February 10, 2022

 feb 10 22

  whata mess...i do no t know who decided to send 5 vehicles here all in a row... it certainly was to intimidate---why else?  ok... so i have told my children and staff, if a policeman tells you to do something you do it... and argue later. that leaves us to argue about. it today- which i will do.

 the basic problem is the rats seen on the internet.... causing someone to call the board of health...  - that information of who called, must by law be given to me today.    now why teh board of health had to invite teh animal control, the police, and 2 US dept of aggriculture to join in the parade.. i can only guess it was to intimidate... it certainly was not to help us with a problem i think they created.  but if that is how we are to play this game... let the law handle it.  i never gave permission as they trooped thru every building having a look wherever that wandered...including my house-- both dog area and my bedroom... they forgot... we  have cameras... i honestly thought you needed a search warrent to invade someone's house unless some one or something was in immediate danger....
no one was in danger... and i never gave them permission. therein lies the problem.

i stood them up as they came out of my house and asked what their investigation found -----4 people said nothing.. the board of health guy said he was going to have to go put his report together---- having previously told my staff he could remove our license... in effect shutting us down.
they wanted to spread poisons anyway-- and said  "with such large dogs it probably wouldn't have an effect". and i clearly said.  i said i wanted no parrt of experimentally poisoning my dogs. 
they wanted me to know ... they were in complete control.. and that we were considered teh source of the rat problem.... they did not want to discuss teh hoarding  contamination of teh neighbor house  which started my rat problem....

so there are very many problems to solve there harassment -- why 5 vehicles ,,, why the dept of aggi  all of whom could have called to say they ewere coming... i would at least have shut my bedroom door.

th e dept of aggi saw fit to serve papers and quarentine  us( i have yet to read teh papers)  but she explained that i had 3 horses here and i needed Papers on each ----  including matt's horse which he has owned for 4 years traveling all over east of teh mississippi.  but now in my barn,, he needs inspection. plua my horse which  went thru quarentine before she got here-- and teh one ern horse which is to be put down ? thursday which hpefully will be before her innards explode -- per the vet. why thursday? the truck to pick up dead horses was booked solid til then...
the only suggestion anyone else made was aggi suggested i ask for a new dumpster because of the hole in the back.

leaving me wondering-- how do i find the paperwork on every horse in ipswich?    how many other homeowners in ipswich have had this bunch troop thru their private residence?    they were all very sure of themselves... just like the employee a few years ago. " you are out of your league, you are only a woman"   to which the town employees have added. "i can shut you down"  and  "i can take your license".  dozens of times over the years.
 i may be only a woman... but now i am a woman with more time on my hands... and ready to deal with  the towns developing a  negative cult of my surrounding neighbors - now i am  a rat infested health hazzard. -----previously the noise of the barking dogs was unbearably loud and  worthy of shutting me down...

i asked each of them to write down how much barking they heard while there---- there was not a sound from the dogs all day...and.  they could not make any suggestions of improvements reguarding rats.. well the board of health guy  was in a hurry- he had to go to a funeral.i reminded him if the guy was dead, there was no rush..... he was not going to get any deadder...