Monday, February 28, 2022

 feb 28 22

i hope mr putin has not been pronounced with cancer  and has decided to go out with a bang.

second thought ofr the day... bianca  is here with a tummy full and  we will start taking temp... looking for teh 2 degree drop 24 ours before labor....
when we keep at it, it sems to be true-- but you should take temo every few hours so you don/t miss it

  currently it is 98.9. try again in 4 hours,,,,


gwen goes home to n.c. this morning... had trouble getting uber.... for some reason the4y  were not picking up in this area in the snow.,... she is leaving sdp in much better shape than she found it....i am sitting in front of a. pink charger taped with yellow dust tapee and print   “cell phone charger”.   In case I forget... also ppink. So everyone will know it is ...... not theirs.

Remembers me of,,,,, make that reminds me of a heavy duty contractor in Houston Texas who painted all his heavy duty equipment I think it was pink so that even if they someone stole it and painted it you could chip away and if it was painted pink it was his...   we do pretty well around here as far as people taking things but it does happen sometimes perfectly logically because we have more of one thing than we need Gwen found that we were minus one of the plug-in towers she expected to find guesthouse...   when we get overloaded with any one particular item I do put it by the front door show that volunteers and staff can take anything there that they might need..   and if we get an incredible amount we could move it on to some charity or another.


I honestly think we are getting down to one or two rats which we can identify... I hope everyone realizes I threw the last one out by hand... in the midst of that snowstorm hopefully some owl had lunch.. now the two we have left are I think the more intelligent ones and I do have inbox setup..  it came in the mail the first time I saw it in the front door it did have a hole in the bottom and it had one of the boxes of  cookies totally empty....   reminding me of the four ridx boxes which were totally empty... so I have the box set up pretty close to the cash register which you all can see  on camera...  and it does have one of the victor snap traps loaded inside along with a few cookies and there it sits.  ... the same setup last night with a few cookies sprinkled around inside the empty carton and the mouse the rat I think it's a rat or mouse came in and ate the cookies that were spread around and left and didn't get snapped so we just try again..

  the official.  rat exterminator.  i I think it's coming to meet with Lin. today I think since he was last here we've caught two including the one I threw out the door. And we have not found any in the traps we know about.. but the overnight people report  many many fewer rodents then there were two months ago.  two months ago would be about January 1st which is when I had to order another two dozen traps.


oh how on earth did it get to be 830... Uber coming at 9 and I'm rushing