Monday, January 31, 2022

 jan 31 22

mom -----cici----left yestterday with.  xxxxxxxx.  ?markey?      we packed a suitacase for her including some fluffies and even a spoon !~mom.  had reduced nursing to nil and was really tired of teh mom she has one to play with. and is back with her family..  somebody is bound to say we do it all wrong, but it has worked well so far...  betsy has 3 generations that way,,  her family shoveled the kennels out while at it....   
exploding pipes took over the excitement last night..problem was a door in the laundry building. blew open. and teh pipes in tht bathroom split and sprayed far and wide....i had to shut off everything but the house.. becasue teh carefully planned shut offs were inder 6 foot piles opf snow.   the debate then became  to mend and let drip,, or to leave it all shut off.. all being guest/laqundry/icu/barn ,,,leaving it all shut off was deemed the way togo... all those handy faucets in summer could be lethal split pips in winter the shot went thu mu head... shut the barn down at 5pm.. and water off  in really hot weather.. about 7 ( as we did for years) with buckets out of the tub in the alley way  i like the total shut down...less worry...

last week i thought the trainers  should cgo to walmaqrt and get teh jeryy carriers----5 gallon water carrying devices--- now i knoe they should ,,, if there are any left -- i did have some emergency ones.. light blue-- carefully labeled water only-- but who know where>>. haykoft ??

so they shoveled snow into the neqrly empty tub in the alley  and put in 2 ice melters from tractor supply  withhopes they will be water by morning-- there is some statistic like one foot of snow makes one inch of waterbut what the heck... that is what ewe have,,at the  moment.

the other shocker is that these mitsuibisi heaters do not heat in extreme cold weater. something about they take heat from the  old weather- making it colder so if it is too low to begin with there is no heat to be had out of zero degrees. yes you heard that right- back in the heat of summer i remarked we still had the electric  baseboard.  but never checked to have teh circuit breakers right to aqccomodate.  the switch...

  experience comes from bad experience....  why fix the roof when it is not raining.--- we are a case study in that !!
so  with one foot firmly plantede in mid air... joe-- the plumber will be back about 8am today.. from what i see, he may as well just move in... plus he has a couple kids with himn whwo love the puppies..  

a significant problem is the house to barn water supply happened at 4 feet and  we then put the laundry buildiing  on top of that-- and somehow went around teh building 5; deep.
which now has 6' piles of snow on top of it.

and after all the worry about horses out in the cold.... my mare carefully planeted herself  in the doorway.   rear end in stall, head and neck out in the blizzatd- last heard fropkm, janione was peading for those wanting to loose weight shoveling snow at meridith.... while the 2 old xxxxx's  ( ann and i ) sat in front of fireplaces yapping on the phone for an hour or so... talking about donkeys....  spmehow this summer i swear i will get some kid to exsploit the talents of pockets...  she could be a super star..