Wednesday, February 2, 2022

 feb 2 22

icicles hanging off a house----  if we can jus make it to noon..we might have the first drippicles...



Here ‘s a new way to look at  icicles ( unless you already know....)

In freezing weather......

Best case is no icicles on you r house....--- worst case icicles. Not  dripping—the difference... heat going thru your roof, melting the snow there

Which runs down your roof and drips off and because the air is cold it becomes an icicle ---- because the air is cold that's not how the snow got to be water running down your roof..  the roof that has no icicles it's probably very well insulated..


I had an email yesterday scolding me for too much boring information about fencing—sorry you get what you get at  6am.... and today it is,,, hopefully the difference between 31 degrees and 32 degrees....


My house has icicles and from one  window I can see one solidary drip formoing about every 18 seconds... I can  not tell you how thrilled I am to see that liquid water dripping off that icicle because that means maybe we've broken that horrible minus 3 degrees temperature which we've been suffering with for the last week or so.. I don't have to go out to take the temperature I can see that we must be just barely 32 degrees.   if that continues along that trend till noon or sometime we may even get rain pretty soon to get rid of all this snow  witch got piled up

so from the drip in the window my spirits have been lifted.


now it's about the puppies.  and the temperature in the room they're kept in..  I knew the kitchen floor was very cold night before last and the puppies should have been fine up on the mattress and or futon whatever ----they had a babysitter with them to sleep on.... who verified the fact it was damn cold well I knew that because the plumbers had been there all afternoon putting the plumbing back together again having had it spray it all over the place.. so it was decided to move the puppies into the sunroom which does have a different heater same kind probably is that differently and  we decided to take an official reading um that rule.. because as somebody pointed out the temperature was set to 78 degrees..

that's true it was 78 degrees up by my eyes which are about 5 foot four off the floor the puppies were on the floor.. so Haley went and got the thermometer so we could really study this and do what we were talking about so the thermometer on the floor barely made 50 degrees technically 49 right within 5 feet of where the thermometer said 78.

now for all you people who slept through physics in high school heat  rises there's not a damn thing you can do about it..

 it's it's very similar the kind of thing where sound gets quieter over distance----- it's another one of those law s of physics....things and there's this song about it ---   (wouldn't there be. by  Donald swan)

"heat  can't pass from the cooler to the hotter'. cause the hotter body heat will pass to the cooler. "

that is true and that is still true unless you run into these crazy heaters we now have which they say takes heat out of cold air making it colder and putting that heat in the house that's these Mitsubishi heaters...  but a normal life where you've got breezes and things This is why my ankles are cold even sitting here at the desk with the temperature at 78.. so to warm up the puppies we moved in a mattress the futon a lot of padding on the floor and so they get their choice and I was delighted to have the babysitter say it was much more comfortable last night in the sunroom... she thought the sunroom was the reason and to some degree it might be except it was also 30 degrees warmer under the sink in the kitchen than it had been before.. current temperature under the sink now 50 degrees it had been 20 and consequently freezing everything under there

n  Just out of  curiosity I looked up on the Internet -----which we know is always right -------what the suggested temperature should be for raising puppies and like the chickens they start out 90 degrees which is basically mommy keeping them warm and the warm milk and then a week or so later it can begin to drop so that in a month they seemed to think that 72 degrees was a very nice temperature to raise puppies -----well we got a ways to go on that one anyway but I think we are under control with having those mattress is up off the floor

We could or should get out our heatting lamps to add just a bit although if you study very carefully where are these Mitsubishi are aimed...... I think you can stay under control.


That's another thing that bothers me about keeping an animal in a crate or cage -----like a bird in the window probably---- pretty drafty in that window too and I've heard veterinarians comment about Guinea pigs catching a cold because of a draft so much for today's lesson in Guinea pig maintenance