Monday, January 24, 2022

 jan 24

if you can keep you head when all about you, are loosing theirs and blaming it on you........
bless ole Rudyard....
i should read that whole "IF". every morning... 
thankfully  bud just kept the fire going all  yesterday and i did not move-- all day in the  old chair in front of the fireplace.
welllll mentally i was moving, but  the rest of me was off duty.

i do have some info of worth to pass on....for all the info about apple computers saving things on the internet "cloud". and how you no longer have to worry about backing up information becasue it is on------the cloud-----    they left out one word...."sometimes".  after  going all the way thru the apple repair organization from household geek squads to   teh very adulated  genius squad's official diagnosis "it is fried.. and don't spend any more than $300 trying to get data retrieved... it is not there. or if it is there you can not get to it."  
and all that is after .." an appointment with the genius squad  is so hard to get because they are sooooooo busy fixing things "   boy does that mean  apple is in worse shape  then ever if they are overbooked just  to tell people "you are screwed".   that does not take 20 minutes... and they are sooooo booked. the next appointment was in boston next week????
so lynn boought me some kind of. HP  notebookie thing.  i just need a fancy typewriter-- i no longer care what the weather is in fairbanks alaska on alternate thursdays.  i think she avoided an apple product.....  and it is such a cute name.... apple...

i was- 120 years ago... an IBM person==== i wonder if that still works?????  it is at the end of the white cord which is strung across teh "living room" to the overflow room.. last known to have. a couple thousand variety stores that carried teh want ad. on it.

if i am lucky i will get the new car today...  paperwork  has never been my friend... he said to bring the old reg...  well maybe...  the other piece of papar is the check .. and the insurance company has not yet paid for the totalling of the old car...   so i am suffering from gapposis in  the checking. account..  if the insurance3 company does not come thru with the $26,000  they said they wouold... i will be in some interesting trouble.  "THEY". say the paperwork that will release the check is "IN THE MAIL". 
  did i tell everyone about the calenders that were mailed  on dec 19th that seem to have gone astray????   what??? me worry????
my next  assignment... here is a fun one..

 cambridge had a yearly event along the charles irver  which turned into "every sunday memdrive is closed to gtraffic and people are all over sunning themselves...-  it is a perfect place to have a donkey marathon-- all the pieces are there.. and janione sid if i get permission she will pull it off... with a donkey invatitional..    that oneshe went toincolorado was the second oldestg  marathon in the country...  boston being th oldest... the pieces are there..

i could make a day of it// cambridge and childrens hospital...    we have another.  candidate from there...

have a day.........